Birthday present

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You were at the super market and got all the food you needed for a great dinner for your boyfriend , because it was his birthday . But the food was only part one of the present . Part two was giving him your virginity . He knew you were insecure about your first time and you were glad he didn't force you to do anything you did t want . Even though you've been dating for about 1 and a half years , your feelings stayed strong for each other and you enjoyed every moment you two spend together. As you finished shopping, you placed the groceries into your car . You wanted to get something sexually appealing to wear, so you had to go and buy some new underwear . The choice was between a sand colored corset with black ribbons and a tanga , or a pink playful balcony bra with some riffles and a hipster with the words :'get it'printed on the back of it .

The choice was too hard , so you just got both . You headed towards your car and headed home . On the way there , you decided to call him , not wanting to congratulate him yet .
"Beb? I miss you"
"I miss you too. I know I'm probably bothering you , but I have a question . Would you rather prefer something playful and sexy or mature and sexy ?"
"both sounds great . But why are you asking ? "
"I ... Uh ... Was planning to make a new design for my blog and I didn't know how to pose and what to wear in the picture "
Unfortunately , jiyong knew that you can't lie . So he figured it out , but pretended not to know .
"well , for the first time I would prefer you to look cute and sexy the same , so you can leave an innocent and shy impression , but still being sexy enough . When you do it again , while you're being more experienced , you can go for the mature and sexy look "
"okay thanks jiyong oppa . See you later . Love you ~"
Those were your last words before you hung up .

At your house , you carried the groceries and the lingerie into the kitchen . You decided to prepare dinner first and while its cooking , getting ready for afterwards. After everything was cooking , you rushed into the bathroom and started showering , shaving and drying your hair afterwards . Then you got your lingers and put it on . You took a long , beige pullover and slid it over the 'present'
Simple makeup was added and the hair was tied together in two pigtails. After you were done , you went back into the kitchen and set the table .

~Time skip: ( the moment the doorbell rang ) ~

You were very excited and nervous , because you didn't want to end up ruining his important day . With a gigantic smile spread over your face , you ran towards the door . You opened it and finally , there he was .Jiyong, the man you fell deeply in love with . As a greeting you hugged him very tightly. As you let go , you said " Happy Birthday Jiyongie ❤️ " and you kissed him on his lips soft and full of love . He smiled into the kiss and tried to deepen it , but you knew how this would end , so you stopped him before he could go any further .

You guided him into the dining room and he couldn't believe his eyes . There was so much food and it looked like the one you see in those live cooking shows on Tv . He turned towards you and asked with a surprised voice " You did this all for me ?" You nodded and he came closer to give you another kiss . This time even longer and more mind blowing . You both sat down and started eating the food you made . After you were done , he complimented your excellent cooking skills . Now it was time for present number 2. You shyly bit your lip and looked him straight in the eyes , playing with the hem of your pullover.
He gave you a questioning look , that signalized you that you have to explain it to him . "Do you remember when I said that I still want to wait with having my first time ? Well ... I changed my mind . I want it to be you and only you who would make love to me ." Your face turned as red as a tomato and you looked down at your feet , waiting for his response . Suddenly two strong arms lifted you up and he started carrying you towards the bedroom .
"what are you doing ?"
"I'm going to make love to you , but I assume that you don't want to have your first time on a table or on the floor right ?"

He only smirked down at you and kicked the door open with his foot . Then he carefully placed you onto the bed and followed after you , being on top of you while kissing you passionately . Your hands wrapped around his neck , pulling him closer to you if that's even possible . It started getting warm and you started getting undressed . His hand slid under your pullover , pulling it over your head and admiring you in that lingerie . He licked his lips and started stroking your belly and going up further , making your body shiver from the contact of your skin . He travelled up further until he reached your boobs . With one swift movement , his hand slid behind your back and unclasped your bra . His hungry lips attacked your bare chest and he took care of both pink nipples. One was in his mouth and the other one was being folded between his thumb and index finger . His hand let go of her nipple and went down till it reached your panties . He started stroking your clit through the thin fabric and you moaned out in pleasure . The harder he pressed on it the louder you moaned and your back started arching while he moved the fabric aside , leaving you bare in front of him . He removed his shirt and all of his clothes to feel you against his bare skin . His dick was fully erected and was poking your entrance while he leaned down to give you a fierce kiss , sliding his tongue into your mouth and having a wild battle of dominance going on . He won and started putting more pressure with his dick on the entrance of your pussy . Before he started pushing in , he looked into your eyes , asking if you are ready for this and you nodded , giving him a weak smile , trying to hide your fear of the pain . He kissed you again and started playing with your boobs again, to distract you from his dick pushing further inside . It was almost half way in as he decided to speed things up and push the rest in at once. You jerked back and tears started rolling down your cheeks from the pain . He leaned down and kissed them away , making you feel better and giving you the time you needed to adjust to his size . As the pain disappeared , you gave him a sign to start , and he slowly pulled out almost all the way and slammed it back into you with enough strength , to make the whole bed move and hit the wall behind it . He continued slamming into you , making your moans turn into screams of pleasure the faster he became . Your moans and screams filled the room along with his gasps and some grunts . He threw your legs over his shoulders and continued ramming into you , getting you closer and closer . After a few more thrusts , you both came together and moaned out each other's names . He remained deep buried inside of you as his semen flooded into you . Later he pulled out and you both collapsed on the bed .
"that was by far the best sex I ever had . And the first time . I'm glad that it was you ."you smiled at him and rested you head on his chest .
"I'm glad you liked it . I love you " he said and kissed you onto your forehead .
"I love you too ."
Those were the last words spoken until you both fell asleep .

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