Movie night

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It was supposed to be an innocent enough movie date. Jiyong shoud really learn to check the DVD player before he turns it on.

"I made sure to get popcorn for today!" Jiyonf cheered from the kitchen.

"The white cheddar kind?" You called from your position on the couch, to enamored in you tumbling to get up and see for yourself.

"But of course!"

"You're the best!"

A few minutes later, Jiyong came skipping into the den, sodas and a bowl of popcorn in his hands. He chuckled, seeing your head hanging off the side of the sofa, your feet in the air as you happily scrolled.

"I feel like I need to walk around with my camera out so I can snap pictures of you acting like this. It's so cute!!!" You stuck you tongue out at him before righting yourself and patting the sofa next to you. Jiyong happily took that seat before allowing you to snuggle up next to him. You took a deep breath against his neck and smiling to yourself. He always smelt amazing, no matter what. He cracked open the sodas and handed one to you. You clinked your cans together and took a sip, setting the can back on the coffee table after.

"Did you put the movie in?"

"Yep. I did it this morning before my schedule so I wouldn't forget." You smiled again at him. He always remembered to do things at the weirdest times.

"Then what are we waiting for?" You chuckled, grabbing the remote. "Let's start the movie!" You turned on the DVD play and hit play, excited to finally watch The Avengers with Jiyong since he had never seen it. When the intro music began though, you froze up, stiffening in Jiyongs arms. The cheese, beat driven music was undeniable. Porn. Jiyong gasped as he stared at the TV. The scenes quickly began to unfold, the young brunette acting out a classic pizza man delivery scene.

"What the..." Jiyong whispered. "I have...There's no way I...How did...God dammit seungri." You sat up off of Jiyong, feeling a bit awkward. He reached for the remote to stop the DVD right as the moaning started. You felt your face flush a bright red and you glanced down. That's when you saw the prominent bulge in Jiyong's shorts.

"Oppa...Are you...turned on by this?" You looked up at him to see his face as red as yours.

"Well...I...I mean. Uh...She doesn't sound as good as you!" You quirked and eyebrow and he slapped his face. "What I mean is...Uh...You...I guess...Um..." You decided it was time to stop the rambling, because in all honesty, you were slightly turned on by it too. You leaned up to place a kiss on his lips, shutting him up almost instantly.

"I understand. But I see you're having a bit of a problem down there." You leaned closer to him, brushing your lips against the shell of his ear before whispering "I am too." He froze for a minute before you felt a firm grip on your upper arms. The next thing you knew, Jiyong has forced you back on the couch, his lips ravaging yours. His hands eventually left your arms and dragged down your stomach to the hem of your shirt before dragging back up your body, your shirt with it. You sat up a bit off the couch to let him slip it off of you before reaching down to grab the hem of his shirt and doing the same. He shivered as you drug your nails down his chest, muscles clenching under your touch. You smiled at his reaction, loving you affected him like that with such a light touch. After quickly moving his hands behind you to unclasp your bra, he leaned down and began pressing light kisses against your neck, slowly working his way down. He nibbled gently at your collar bone before moving past it and to your breasts. He began kissing and sucking your left breast, gently rubbing the other with his hand. You felt absolutely amazing. The feel of Jiyong's skin on yours sent shivers down your spine no matter how many times you were intimate.

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