the mistress

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I laid on jiyong's bed, spread out, waiting for him to come home. I'd sent him to run a stupid errand for me. What he didn't know, is that when he got back, it was time for Y/n the sex kitten to play.

I wore a tight black corset that pushed my breasts up and out, a skin tight leather mini skirt, and a barely there thong. I had made a stop at Pam's earlier and borrowed her highest pair of black heels. When I told her what I was planning she insisted I keep them. They looked like something out of a strip club. The heels had to be at least 5 inches tall and pointed on the end. They were made with a shiny material and had a strap around the ankle. Jiyong would love them.

I heard the door shut downstairs. I flipped on my cd player to play a song with a throbbing bassline. I propped myself up on the pillows and spread my legs a bit, letting my hands roam over my body. I kept my eyes focused on the door, waiting to see him appear in front of me.

It didn't take him long to make his way upstairs. I heard his gasp as he took me in. My hand was between my legs stroking my thong.

"Jiyong.." I let out a soft moan.


"Shh, come to me lover."

I watched as he ripped his tight tank top from his body and crawled up the bed to me. He started to crawl on top of me, but tonight, I was in control. I lifted my foot and placed it against his chest, my heels poking into him.

"Worship me gdragon." His jaw dropped open, I had never demanded control, until now.

"Yes mistress." I shivered when he said that. He took my ankle in his hand and ran his hands down my high heels. He softly unbuckled the side and slid it from my left foot. He tossed it to the floor and then returned his hands to my feet. His thumbs stroked the arch of my foot, I let out a soft moan. He took my big toe into his mouth and lightly sucked, while still massaging my feet. I arched my back and bit and whimpered. I had never had anyone do that before and it felt heavenly. He took turns, sucking each of my toes and massaging his hands over my foot.

He switched over to my right foot and licked and sucked there. I was almost off the mattress when he ran his tongue between my toes.I looked down to see that his jeans were straining under the pressure of his erection.

I took my foot away from him.

"Take your pants off, now."

He kneeled on the bed and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down over his wonderful ass and his throbbing erection. When his pants hit his knees he stood and slid them down, he hadn't worn underwear. I bit my lip a bit, but then regained control.

"You may continue worshipping me."

He knelt back on the bed before me and took my left leg in his hands. He started kissing and licking up my legs, stopping to run his tongue behind my knee. He continued up to my thighs. I watched as he sucked the soft skin of my thighs into his mouth. His hand creeped up to touch my thong but I smacked his hand away.

"You may touch me only where I give permission."

He looked shocked but decided to go with it. I felt his cool hands slide under my thigh to lift my leg up. He licked every inch of my thigh until he came to the crease between my thigh and pelvis. He spread my legs gently and placed feather light kisses all along the crease, then up across my abdomen and over the the other side.

He replicated his movements on my right leg, before returning to my stomach. He dipped his tongue into my belly button and ran his hands along my sides. I could feel his erection pressed into my thigh. I pushed him back onto his knees.

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