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"Yah . Jiyong ! Stop flirting around with random fans !"you yelled.
" I don't like your tone ... New manager"he grabbed your left wrist and pulled you into his room backstage ."I'll have to change that"
You straightened your glasses that were kind of crooked on your nose due to the pulling .
"What do you think you're doing !?"you looked him straight in the face .
He only licked his lips and slammed you against the wall across from the door.
Your small hands pushed strongly against his chest , causing him to fall back a little . You made a run to the door , but he got there before you and locked it right in front of your brown eyes .
"Jiyong !!" you yelled "Unlock the door this instant!" and stomped down on the ground with your right , black high heel .

He walked towards you and grabbed your brown hair that was tied up in a high ponytail "We need to change this attitude of yours"
You winced in pain when he pulled your ponytail back , causing your whole body to jerk back , straight into his chest ."Ow!" you exclaimed and screamed .
His strong hand immediately came up and covered your mouth .
"No screaming" he whispered in your ear.You tried to shake his hand off and lost your glasses in the process.You started to panic a little and bit his hand that was covering your mouth . He swiftly pulled it away and you ran towards the door , forgetting that he had locked it . Your hand wrapped around the door handle and you desperately tried to open it .
" Oh is our new manager scared?"
he said playfully with his voice . You felt a shiver go down your spine and tried to come up with a reason for him not to come any closer .
"Don't come any closer ! Or you'll be in serious trouble!"you kept trying to open the door."Hm ... I don't think I'll be in trouble after I'm done"he pushed you up against the door with his body and trapped you between his strong arms . He stares into your eyes and forced a kiss upon you . Your hands immediately came up to his chest to give him a strong push , but he grabbed them before they could do so and pinned them above your head . He only broke the kiss to say "Open your mouth"You shook your head .
"So you're going to be disobedient ?"he gazed into your eyes "Fine"
He brought his leg up and rubbed your skirt against the spot between your legs.
You gasped and he saw his chance and kissed you again , but with his tongue this time .

You wanted to bite his tongue , but he gave you a stare that said 'try it and you're dead' So you decided to let him kiss you .
After he was done devouring your lips , your eyes desperately searched for a way out of the room . You looked to the left , only a couch and a fancy black table .
You looked to the right , a makeup stand and some other things .
" There is no escape from this , you know?" he whispered into your ear and then bit your lobe .
" Yah ! Stop ! " you whined and tried freeing your hands from his .
He easily took both of your hands into only one of his hands and the other hand snaked down to your chin . He lifted your face lightly and you tried to pull away from him.
He smiled "You're so defiant ! Let's try this another way . On your knees!"
You shook your head even though you were scared of his reacting .
"Down ! Now !" he forcefully pushed you down on your knees.
He smiled and opened the zipper of his black leather pants and whipped out his already erect manhood . Your eyes opened wide .
He grabbed your long ponytail "I think you know what to do"
You said defiantly "What if I don't want to?"
"Then I'll have to fucking make you!"he pulled your ponytail .
"Ow" you whined .
"Open your mouth , now" he said in an angry voice .
You looked up at him,not taking any action .
"Do it now or I'll force you to" he said with a dirty smirk .
You opened your mouth and took in his dick .
"Ah~ . You have a tight little mouth manager"he looked down at you and put both of his hands on the sides of your head .
You gaged and tears filled your eyes a little . But there was one thing you didn't understand , how was this turning you on ? Your body was getting really hot and the hottest spot was between your legs .
Suddenly he pulled away and pulled you over to the black table which he forced you to lay down on .Then he cuffed your hands together with cuffs he got out of a drawer .
"Manager .. I like you like this . You look absolutely amazing" he smacks your butt .
"There is only one thing that's annoying me ... All of these clothes" he rips your skirt from your body with brute force and throws it to the ground .
He stares at your butt "Nice view"
"You pervert" slips out of your mouth .
"What ?" he growls into your ear as he leans forward .
"Jiyong ,you're a pervert!" you mumble , loud enough for him to her it though .
"Let's get something straight . You will address me as Sir or Master , got it ?"he said in a serious tone .

Despite how scared you were you started to laugh .
But that laugh soon faded away when he started to spank you , earning squirms and whines from you .
He ripped down your underwear and gave your pussy a light spanking .
"Ah!"you grasped .
"Do you understand now ?! You will afraid me as Master or Sir!" he yelled .
"Yes !"you answered .
"Yes what ?"he smacked your sore pussy again .
«Yes sir! I understand!" you screamed .
He chuckled "You really seem to be enjoying this" he ran a finger though your folds and brought it up to his lips .
"You don't taste bad" he mentioned when he licked his finer with his tongue , tasting your juices .
"T-thank you sir" you said with a little bit of fear .
"I think I should get a better taste . What do you think?" he positioned his dick at your entrance and started to tease it .
You squirmed "No .. I don't think so , sir"you shook your head .
"Hm , but I still want to" he suddenly shoved his whole length into you and started thrusting in as out at a fast pace . You moaned out in surprise .
"Shit you're so tight and you feel so good"

he kept thrusting in and out of you .
" Ah ~ !" you moaned and he grabbed ahold of your ponytail , pulling your head back and granting his tongue access to your neck .
A little while later you were almost at your climax and Jiyong knew so .
"You have to ask for permission before you come" he rammed into you .
"Please , sir , let me come!" you pleaded . He was starting to seem very sexy and arousing to you .
"Who has the best dick ?"he questioned .
"You do , master" you spurted out .
"Damn right and don't you forget it!" he rammed into you one last time before saying "Come all over my dick , slut !"
Both of you climaxed and the same time and you collapsed on the table while he came all over your butt , since he decided not to come inside of you.Suddenly it knocked on the door and a manly voice yelled"GD hyung ! Let's go !"
"I hope you learned your lesson" he closed his zipper and adjusted his pants an clothes ."I'll be back" he unlocked the door and closed it after exiting the room , leaving you there utterly confused .
The thoughts that crossed your mind were 'he's so fucking hot ! 'and 'what do I do now ?'

Sorry if i made him sounds like a jerk
I hope you will like it^^

Ev ~xoxo

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