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Lets just imagine that :
jiyong own a company &
he is the CEO of the company
In this story,ok...


After a late night at the office, Mr Gdragon knows just how to help you unwind.

"Are you seriously working late again tonight?" I turned to see my co-worker and best friend sitting on my desk, dangling her legs like a child.

"Yes, I have a deadline to meet, now can you please get off of my paperwork." I shoved her lightly.

"Ok ok ok, chill." She jumped off and the papers fell to the floor. "Oopsie," she giggled.

"Come on! What the hell Min?" I bent down to gather the papers up off of the floor.

"Ahem." Min's giggling stopped. "Miss_____." I froze. Why now of all times did he come to check in? "Would you like some help?"

"Mr. Gdragon!" I shot up and turned to face him. Mr. Gdragon stood there in all of his muscular glory, shoulders and arms looking as though they were going to burst his well-tailored suit at the seams. "Uh, no Sir. It's fine." He smirked, leaning against the door frame of the office that Min and I shared.

"What's this I hear about you staying late again?" God, he looked so fucking sexy leaned against the door frame. I wanted to scream.

"Ah, that? Well, um, I have a deadline to meet tonight, Sir." I looked down at the ground, embarrassed.

"Understood. Get it done, Miss_____. I have faith in you."

"Yes sir"

"What about you, Miss Min?" I glanced up at her to see her flush a bright shade of red.

"I'm actually about to head home, Mr. Gdragon Probably going to pick up a nice bottle of wine for tonight. It would be a shame if I had no one to share it with." Her voice was getting flirtatious and I elbowed her gently in warning. Mr. Gdragon smirked at her.

"Is that so? Well, that's sad to hear. I hope it's a good bottle to make up for your lack of company." I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing at how coolly he brushed her off. Min seemed to have an issue composing herself.

"A-a-ah. Well, I suppose I should take my leave then. I'll see you tomorrow _____. Mr. Gdragon " She bowed to our CEO before awkwardly shuffling past him.

"I'll let you get back to work, Miss ____." Without another word, he turned and left. I let out a sigh of relief after he was gone. Take a piece of advice from me. Never crush on your CEO. It hurts and you cry a lot. Begrudgingly, I picked up the rest of my papers and resumed writing the report that was due in two hours. Clack clack clack.

I smiled as I clicked send on the finalized report email, a feeling of relief washed over me as the message delivered prompt popped up on my screen. That sigh was quickly followed by a long yawn. I still had a few more things to do, but I figured a ten minute power nap could do some good. I crossed my arms and settled into my chair, quickly slipping off into dreamland. I woke up to the feeling of strong hands rubbing my shoulders and couldn't help but moan at how good it felt. Whoever was working on my shoulders let out a low laugh.

"That's the sexiest thing I've heard all week." My eyes snapped open and I quickly pulled away from the hands, standing up. I turned around to see Mr. Gdragon standing there, suit jacket off and dress shirt partially unbuttoned with the sexiest smirk I had ever seen on his face.

"M-M-M-Mr. Gdragon! What are you doing Sir?!" My voice was high and shaky from embarrassment. He continued to smile and walked towards me I shuffled back until my back pressed against the wall of my office. He placed his hands on either side of my head, leaning in close. I could smell the cologne faintly still on his skin.

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