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"De, Arasso, I'm on my way..." You then hung up your cell phone. "jiyong-ah...I have to go..that was my mom..."

"You just got here..." jiyong whined wrapping his arms around you, afraid that you'd leave.

" an hour ago.." You rolled your eyes playfully. Immediately he blushed and pulled away, leaving your body slightly colder than before.

"I have to watch my little brother until my grandma comes to pick him up..." You sighed.

"It's almost dark Jagiya..."

"I'll text you when I get home!" You assured him. He leaned down a little to kiss your......cheek, you smiled at him before turning to the door slightly disappointed. He sighed to himself as you left. Suddenly he heard a cough from behind him.

"You're so pathetic..." seungri chuckled.

"What are you talking about!" jiyong began whining immediately.

"jiyong-ah" taeyang walked up to the younger patting his back. "It's been 2 years...are you ever going to get it?".

"I don't think he has enough balls to actually do it...." seungri added.

"Y-Yah! I'll..." jiyong was now slightly worked up. He took a breath before continuing "I'll do it! Watch! I'll get some!" he exclaimed childishly then stormed into his room.

"See that's how you work up a Dragon to make him gain some confidence" seungri states while nodding.

"What's got the dragon so worked up?" top immediately notices the fury aura radiating off of the leader.

"My virginity!" he exhales loudly.

"You lost your virginity?"

"NO! But I think i'm going to! TONIGHT!" jiyong calms himself down as much as he can. Once he's completely calm, frantically he takes out a backpack and starts packing overnight things.

"Woah there! Let's be rational here..." top stops him from moving. "Do you love her?"

"Of course,"

"How long have you been dating her?"

"2 years,"

"Ohmygod and you seriously haven't done it yet?"


"Okay, and you're sure you want to do this with her?"


"I feel like your dad doing this, but here..." seungri goes into his nightstand to get a small foil packet handing it to jiyong

"Thanks maknae! It would be embarrassing to have to buy these at the store!" jiyong sighed in relief. "Oh seungri-ah...can I have more than one?".

"Uh..." seungri looked at him before softly chuckling. "Here...." he said before this time giving him the entire box.

To: Jagiya <3

Jagi~ your parents and younger brother aren't going to be home right?

Received at: 7:27 pm.

From: jiyongie <3


To: jiyongie <3

Nope. I'm home alone tonight and tomorrow...why?

Sent at: 7:29 pm.

From: Jagiya <3


To: Jagiya <3

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