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You tightened the handcuffs around your boyfriend , Jiyong's hands and he only growled "Baby , please know that I'm going to fuck you up after this"
You only chuckled and walked in front of him in your black , 10 inch , stiletto heels , you black , lacy panties and your black corset with red laces . You bit your cherry red lips and ran a hand through your black hair , while you slowly lowered yourself onto his lap .

You straddled him between your legs and kissed him . He immediately tried to dominate the kiss and you pulled away and licked your lips "Nuh uh .. Don't be a bad boy now" you kissed his jaw . He only growled and you heard him trying to break through the handcuffs so he could touch you and fuck you senselessly , but this wasn't going to work since they were locked and you had the key. The handcuffs weren't that sturdy , but you hoped they would last long enough for you to dominate him for a while .

You laughed and then got up so you were facing him while standing . You slowly started to undo the laces to your corset and let it drop on the ground , so your upper body was no longer covered by the sexy black corset . Jiyong only licked his lips and tried to break through the handcuffs again , but his attempt failed yet again "Get these fucking things off me!"

You smirked evilly and put a finger in your mouth innocently and then ran it all the way down from your mouth to your black , pink laced panties . Your hand slowly slid into your panties and you moaned "Ah~"
Your hands slowly started to move and you let out a few more sexy squirms and noises . You turned around , bent over and slowly pulled your panties down , giving him a perfect view of your backside and then stepped out of them as soon as they reached your ankles .
"Oh , shit !" you heard him say in a raspy voice .

You turned around and immediately saw a visible bilge form in his boxers and smirked again . You walked over to your shirtless , boyfriend after throwing your panties into a corner .
You ran your hands down his chest and licked it while doing so as well .
You pulled his boxers down a little and his erection immediately sprung from its confinement . Jiyong grunted and threw his head back .
You ran your left hand along his length while the other massaged his balls and licked the tip . He growled and you removed your hands and tongue . His eyes widened at you suddenly neglecting his manhood and you said in a sexy voice "What do you want me to do baby?"He bit his lip and looked away .
You asked again "Baby , what do you want me to do ? If you don't tell me I can't know" you acted innocent .
He stuttered "dick"
"What was that ?"you wanted to humiliate him and use your current dominant position a little more .
"I want you to suck my dick" he replied a few moments later .
"And where are your manners?"you looked at him superiorly.
"Please , suck my dick" he chuckled and shook his head "This is so humiliating"

You wrapped your lips around his dick and started bobbing your head up and down , deep throating him every now and then . You felt him twitch in your mouth and heard him moans . You immediately stopped sucking his dick and looked him in the eye "You're not coming without my allowance"
He gave you an angry expression "(Y/N) , you're taking this too far . Are you sure you want to do this?" Normally you'd be scared , but since he was tied up , what did you have to be scared of ?
"Do what?" you pulled his hair back after you got up and ran your hand though his plumps colour , messy hair .
'That's it , (Y/N)" he started tugging at the handcuffs like crazy and you could see the sweat on his forehead .

You walked in front of him again and stood in front of your bedroom bed "It's no use you know?" and held up the key that you had placed on the bed .
"Well see" he smiled and continued with his attempts to free himself . What a wonderful sight , you thought , Jiyong , in a chair , handcuffed and forced to be submissive . Suddenly , you heard a loud cracking sound that ripped you out of your thoughts . You only saw a strong , tall and muscular figure towering over you and not a second later you were pushed on the bed face first .
"My turn !"you only heard a sexy voice whisper into your ear , causing it to tingle "I'm going to fuck you senseless , (Y/N)!"
He grabbed a fistful of your hair hand pulled it back , making your arch up into his direction and that gave him perfect access to your , now , exposed neck . He started kissing it roughly and sucked on one specific spot every now and then to leave a hickey . Your body was so hot ... Angry Jiyong was a little scary , but so sexy . He released your hair and stepped back a little .
"Get on all fours" you heard him growl behind you .
You hesitated for a minute until he yelled angrily "Get on fucking all fours,(Y/N) ! Right now !"
You immediately did what he said and got on all fours. The whole thing resulted in him pulling your hair back once again and him spanking you a little .
You squirmed and moaned , since you were probably enjoying this more than you were supposed to "Ah~"
"Fuck , (Y/N) . This is a punishment !" he pointed out from behind , while bringing another hand into your left butt cheek , leaving a stinging red mark on it . Suddenly he stopped and he pushed your body down on the bed .
"Ass up (Y/N) . You know the drill" he hissed superiorly from behind you . You did as you were told and earned a satisfied chuckle from him .

Suddenly you felt him aggressively pound his member into you " Ah~!"
"Bad girls don't get foreplay and (Y/N) you were a very bad girl" he whispered sexily into your ear and started to roughly thrust into you . Thrust ... after ... Thrust ... after ... Thrust . The air was filled with moans and the noises your sweaty bodies made as they met up .

You started to slowly reach your climax. Jiyong sensed this and immediately pulled out , leaving you unsatisfied .
"Jiyong!" you whined.
"Tell me what you want , baby ?" he teased you .
"You know what I want!" you hissed impatiently .
"If you don't tell me , how can I know ?" he asked innocently .
"I want your dick in me" you said embarrassed .
"Manners?"he just blurted out and started teasing your entrance with his dick .
"Please!I want your fucking cock In me Right now!And I want your delicious cock ... To fuck me senseless ! Please" you just shouted out .
Jiyong was kind of surprised since he would never have expected that and he did as you wished .

Once again after a few rough thrusts you were close to your climax . Jiyong grunted "Don't you dare cum without my permission baby"
You whined "Please ! Please !"
"Please what ?"he questioned .
"Let me cum ! Please"you moaned .
"Fuck , (Y/N) . I'm so close ! You better fucking wait for me !"he thrusted in a few more times and both of you reached your high . He gave you permission , so you could reach your climax , with him , at ease . He collapses beside you on the bed after pulling out of you , with the words "Sorry was I too rough ?"
You only smiled and kissed him and that was his answer .

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