Its been a long time

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You had gone three long and stressful months without seeing Jiyong and on top of that you had finals coming up in two weeks and two essays that you still had yet to finish. You were overwhelmed with the thought of failing and you didn't have jiyongie to comfort you like he always did when you needed him. What hurt worse was that you knew you couldn't confide in him about your stress because he was already stressed out enough with his comeback right around the corner. You knew he was a perfectionist so you had no doubt in your mind that he was probably working his ass off improving on his dancing and vocals. You knew he missed you too so that's why you screamed of joy when jiyong called you a couple days ago to tell you that he had a three day weekend break before he had to go back to working and getting ready for his another world tour . You were determined to make his welcome home present perfect because he deserved nothing less.

The day jiyong would come home finally arrived and you had diligently cleaned the house and prepared a few of his favorite dishes. You cooked kimchi jigae (stew), with squid, radish kimchi, rice, seasoned beef brisket and spicy braised mackerel for side dishes. You'd taken it upon yourself to light candles that smelled of warm vanilla sugar and lavender and set them around the table as well as around the tub where there laid rose pedals sprinkled in the tub. You even went out that morning and bought a black lacy bra as well as a lacy thong to match. You had picked up the idea of buying fish net stockings while passing a lingerie store and decided you would wear that as well since Jiyong has never seen you in anything like that before, and you were secretly hoping he'd rip them off you later tonight. But as you promised you would make tonight especially special.

You had finished setting the table and finished putting on a tight black dress that enhanced your lovely curves as well as let your hair sprawl down your back in neat beach curls. You had just applied on perfume that smelled of roses when you heard three strong knocks on the front door. Rushing to dim the lights and check the table one last time you ran to the door and took a deep breath before you threw it open to find Jiyong standing in front of you wearing a plain white tshirt and black ripped jeans that incidentally matched your dress. You could see his chest muscles through his t-shirt which made you hungry for his lips. You ran into his arms and repeated how much you loved and missed him over and over again. He grabbed your chin and whispered "I've missed you so fucking much," and then kissed you passionately. You intertwined your fingers in his soft hair and kissed him back with a bit more aggression. You both became eager for each other as he bit your bottom lip, resulting in a slight moan from you. You nipped at his lips as your hand slowly traveled down his muscular chest where you grabbed a fistful of his shirt. He licked your bottom lip letting you know he wanted more. His tongue played with yours causing him to grunt softly and pull you closer to him. Your bodies smothered each other as you felt your sensitive nipples rub against him causing them to grow hard from the stimulation. Still embracing you, he shut the door behind him with his foot. After minutes of kissing and ass grabbing from both parties, he finally pulled away and slowly looked over your slit of protruding cleavage, his eyes wandered further down to your fish net stockings and your black heels. He slowly spun you around by your hand admiring your backside where a low cut in your dress revealed the valley of your back. Jiyong bit his bottom lip as he took in your plump ass. He pulled you up against him by your waist and you immediately felt his hardening bulge on your ass, he nipped at your ear and whispered, " You look so fucking sexy I just want to bend you over right now."

You teased him by slowly moving your hips against his bulge and whispered seductively," If you don't eat your dinner before it gets cold then you wont get to see my surprise I've prepared for you."

"Okay you don't have to threaten me," he said as he help up his hands symbolizing his defeat , " I'm starving anyways."

"I have the best girlfriend in the world!" Jiyong exclaimed as he took in all the food that was prepared from him on the table. You smiled widely as you watched Jiyong devour his course. You were worried about his eating habits and you knew that he had been dieting for this comeback and you could tell because he had lost quite a bit of weight. It made you feel happy inside as you watched him scoff down his food. He took a spoonful up kimchi jigae into his mouth and screamed, spilling it down his front. You gasped and grabbed a towel and started wiping his face. He looked up at you with his gorgeous brown eyes and you couldn't hold back your laughter one you realized he was fine.
" What?!" Jiyong said, although he said it with his tongue sticking out of his mouth sloppily. " Why are you laughing?!"

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