first time

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You were sitting at home alone waiting for your boyfriend Jiyong a.k.a
G-dragon, to come home. He promised you he'd come home that night.

You sat on the couch, watching boring TV. You sighed and turned through the long list of channels. You came across a movie that caught your interest. You sat up and changed your position on the couch. You turned off the light and only the television light was making the room dim. As you continued to watch the movie, a special scene appeared on screen; a sex scene. You watched it like you would normally, but this time it made you wonder.

It was long. You watched it carefully as you felt yourself become in the mood. Thinking of your boyfriend doing that stuff to you once in a while gave you chills down your spine. You closed your eyes, bit your lip, and thought of him.
You turned off the TV and sat there with your eyes closed making up scenarios. You and Jiyong never really do this kind of thing, so, you just thought of it.

Your breathing sped up and you rubbed your arm just slightly thinking about it, feeling his touch every second you thought.You rubbed your inner thigh, thinking it was Jiyong. You gasped then you heard the door open. "Jagiya? I'm home," you heard jiyong say. You sat up and turned the television back on. He walked through the hallway and hung his coat up.

You smiled at him, acting normal. He returned then smiled and walked over to sit next to you on the couch. "Hey, jagiya," he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tugged you close. "Hey," you replied. You cuddled close to him, continuing to think.

You had enough. You've never felt like this towards him before now. You grabbed the remote and turned off whatever he was watching. He looked over at you confusedly. You placed yourself over his lap and leaned over, placing your lips on his collarbone kissing and biting down.

He pushed you back smiling. "What're you doing?" "Something I've been dying to do for a long time," you whispered in his ear. His arms that were resting beside him, ended up on your hips. Your lips roamed his torso and his jawline, making sure every kiss was sensual.

Your lips met with his and you made sure this kiss was deep and meaningful. Your hands crept along his sides and up to the back of his head, grabbing a chunk of his soft hair.One of his hands crept along your back ending up on your lower back. His hands fell down slowly to your ass and grabbed it roughly. You sucked his lower lip into your mouth and pulled back. He smiled onto yours and he tugged your closer by your collar.You shuddered in his hands feeling his touch. He shoved his hand into your inner thigh and with his other hand his pinned your wrists together.You gasped with your foreheads touching. "Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" he growled into your ear.

He picked you up carrying you bridal style. He threw you on the bed and crawled on top of you. He ran his tongue over your lips then massaged your tongues together as they met.You sat up taking control of this situation. You sucked on his tongue. You had enough strength to take him and shove him on the bed. You felt breathless at this moment. You felt his heart pounding along with your own.

"I need you, Jiyong..." you begged. He bit his lip and roughly tugged your pants off of you. You grunted and felt your heart skip a beat.He had his hands glued onto your waist. He wouldn't let go of you for anything. He flipped you on your back and pinned your down."Don't worry, I'll give you all you need..." he teased into your ear. He ripped off your shirt and threw it to the side.

He kissed down your stomach reached your panties. He tugged them off quickly and slipped two fingers into you. He flicked his tongue over you clit several times.Every moment, he sped up. He became rougher. His vibrations of his moans almost sent you over the edge.You dug your fingers into the bed sheets and whimpered his name. You bucked your hips upward unintentionally.As he fingered you, you already felt yourself coming close to climaxing. "Oh... Jiyong... Right there! D - Don't stop!" you cried out. Your body tingled and you felt yourself come. You covered your eyes and moaned and groaned as your rode out your orgasm.You uncovered your eyes and look at the smirking Jiyong. You noticed his bulge and smirked back.

He removed his clothing and pulled out a condom from one of his drawers. He slammed into you without warning. He shuttered once he entered you.Every single thrust he slammed into you not breaking his fast rhythm. Every time, he buried himself into, making him go deep into you.

He flipped you onto your stomach. You lifted your ass up into the air. He locked your wrist behind your back. He pounded into you harder than before. You screamed his name into the sheet as his thrusts became more powerful each time.He slapped your ass multiple times, "Scream my name, baby," saying that each time. You groaned his name and cried out.

He flipped you back onto your back. He lifted your legs to your shoulders. "Hold them there," he demanded. You did as told and held your legs up to your shoulders.He crashed his hips against yours as he slammed into you with the same amount of force and power as before. He started to hit your sweet spot. Your breathing and his were loud and heavy and you began to feel yourself climax again.

"Jiyong..." you shouted his name as he continued and purposely continued to do what he was doing to hit your sweet spot.You felt yourself dissolve in pleasure as you felt yourself overflow with your own juices. You moaned his name as he continued to slam into you.His pace became irregular as he came himself. He growled your name as well as he twitched inside of you. His breathing was deep and husky.

He disposed of the used condom and collapsed beside you who was also breathing heavily. He looked over at you and smiled. "That was.... Probably the best sex I've ever had, Jiyong," you said."Well, I tried my best, didn't I?" he asked. You nodded and said, "Definitely. Maybe we should do this more often?" "We should do it more often."


Hi all!!
Im making a new book
But sure its not a smut book.
Its a love story.
Hope you will read it too.

Ev ~xoxo

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