The King's request

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Often in your relationship with Jiyong, you're asked what it's like to be dating an idol. And not just any idol. The infamous, talented, attractive G-Dragon. You always chuckle at those kinds of questions; you've never really seen Jiyong as a celebrity, only a man with incredible talent who'd gotten the recognition he deserved for it. But, there's no denying that there are times when you're just mesmerized by him. When you see what the fans see and for a split moment, retract in the mindset of a lovestruck teenage girl obsessing over some heartthrob.

This is one of those times.

Your eyes stay transfixed on Jiyong as he tilts his head, exposing the smooth skin of his neck, and smirks, striking another perfect pose for the camera's opaque lens. You'd been on the sidelines watching his shoot for the new mini-album for over an hour at this point but not once have you been bored. Jiyong makes that virtually impossible.

Watching him sit underneath those blinding lights and shine on that icy throne like the king he's been heralded to be has your mind muddled, your heart beating against your chest like a jackhammer. There's no doubt in your mind that he would have been a model had he not been in Big Bang; after all, a man as captivating, as charismatic as he is is hard to come by and even harder to miss.

You bite down on your lip for what feels like the umpteenth time as you catch another glimpse of skin from underneath his designer jacket. Jiyong may not be the fittest of guys but you love his body and find yourself growing increasingly hot the more peeks you get of his chest and stomach. He's never been one for shirtlessness during a shoot and you wonder what's caused the change. Not that you mind or anything. But, you are curious.

The sound of the director's harsh voice bursts into your reverie and snaps you out of your lover-induced trance; you look around to see staff members bowing to one another and cleaning up their stations, slowly clearing out of the studio. "Finally, it's over," you murmur, standing from your chair to stretch your lazy limbs. As you gather your things, anxious to speak to your lover, your eyes sweep the studio and suddenly meet the soft brown orbs you love to get sucked into.

When your eyes connect, a light smirk makes its way onto Jiyong's face and he beckons you with a finger. You make your way over to him, feeling immediately self-conscious on the official photoshoot set. Despite the fact that all of the staff had left, the lights are still on, burning with intensity you'd never experienced before. Is this what it's like for him each and every time he steps in front of the lens? You would never understand how he, and countless others, manage to do it.

As you get closer to him, Jiyong extends a hand, his slender fingers reaching out for yours. You smile at him gently and slip your hand into his grasp, allowing him to pull you onto his lap as he leans back in his seat. "Hey," he says coolly, the corner of his mouth lifting in a grin as he takes in the blush on your cheeks.

"Hey," you shoot back, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "You did awesome today, Ji. You looked really, really good."

"You think so, baby," he asks, his eyes darker than usual as he watches you nod in response to his question. "I'm actually surprised we didn't have to stop at all today, considering how distracted I was the entire time."

You tilt your head in confusion; he hadn't seemed to be anything but focused and professional the entire time he was up there. "Distracted? By what?"

His answer is simple: "You."

Your eyes widen and you stare at him blankly. "M-Me?"

He nods, licking his lips as the hand of the arm around your waist traces small circles into your hip, an action that sends shivers up your spine. "With you around, it was impossible to truly focus on my poses or the photographer's directions. Biting your lip every other second, giving me that look youknow I love. And this skirt of yours," he tugs absently at the fabric, "didn't make it any easier for me, ___________."

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