Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating angrily on my bedside table, It was Jai ringing me. I answered the phone,

"Hello" I said with a frog in my throat

"I'm outside, I'll take you to school today" he replied abruptly,

I couldn't care less about what I looked like to be honest.

"Okay I'll be down in a second" I groaned into the phone before hanging up.

I chucked on a pair of black leggings and one of Jai's jumpers before getting my bag and keys off the table and running outside.

As I got into Jai's car he looks at me with his big brown eyes, I look back at him with a confused face as if to say why are you acting so weird.

He replied with
"I'm sorry for whatever I've done"

"What do you mean your sorry" I questioned

"For cancelling our date tonight" he answered

"It's fine" I replied with a sigh
"We should get to school" I added

I know I said it was fine but I have a million questions floating around in my head about how and why he would lie to my face.

We arrived at school I lean towards Jai and kiss him

"Are you driving home?" I questioned

"Yeah I'll take you home afterwards if you want?" He replied in an awkward voice

"Yeah okay thanks" I spat before slamming the door.

I was walking through the corridors with a sour face, death staring anyone who made eye contact with me. I walk over to my locker and waiting there was Katie.

"Who pooped in your corn flakes" Katie's laughed

"I'm not in the mood...really not in the mood" I blurt slamming my locker door before going to class.


The school bell rung for the end of the day, so I walked out to Jai's car. He was already waiting for me in the car with a cheeky smile on his face.

I open the door and fell into the car Jai kissed my cheek

"Where were you at lunch?" Jai questioned

"I Walked over to In And Out, why?" I replied bluntly

"I was looking for you everywhere" he said with a worried look.

"Sorry, don't you have house sitting to do?" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah. I'm sorry " he replied

"Best you drop me at home then" I added.

The whole car journey home, it was silence I didn't say a peep. We arrived back at my house Jai would usually walk me to the door... Today he didn't,
Something is definitely up. I hugged with one arm and he kissed my forehead before I got out.

"I'll text you later" he hollowed from the car window

"Ok" I carried on walking to my front door before slamming it behind me and running up the stairs into my room. I texted Katie,

To Katie:

I'm going to Jai's party so I can see the truth! X

From Katie:

Okay, I'll be right over LoL x

To Katie:

Bring James too! Aha x

15 minutes later Katie arrives at mine with all of her stuff to stay round. We headed up stairs to start getting ready for this so called 'party'. I'm wearing a black skin tight dress with a pair of black Jimmy Choo heels.
I was driving because I wouldn't be drinking and Katie will be. I had to dress up in order to "fit in", we arrive Jai's mum is no where to be seen there are people flooding the door way and patio. I walk in side to be greeted by beau with his usual big smile and emerald green eyes.

We carry on walking through the house until we get into the living room...

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