Chapter 18

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Myself and luke got our stuff ready.

Luke felt much better since his whole incident... I grab my keys off the side and check out of the hotel.

We got to the parking lot and headed to my car, we bit our stuff in the back and hopped in.

"I really don't know what to expect when we get back to the house...." Luke said nervously

"Me either but whatever happens just don't get angry and not will I. Ok?" I replied

He just nodded. It was around lunch time now and we were still driving so I just went to McDonalds to pick up a quick lunch.

*at the house 😁*

We hadn't heard anything from the rest of the group since beau dropped my car off...

We pulled up on the drive way and I stopped the car. I really didn't want to get out.

"Let's go then" I said to Luke pulling the keys out the ignition

I got out the car picking mine and lukes bags up.
I put my key in the door and I entered... Great jais home.

"Hello??" I yelled

It felt so freaking awkward because obviously everyone knew Luke came to see me and I didn't tell the girls.

I got to Luke room set his bags down and looked out the window. I could see the rest of the group sat out side and the girls were in the pool. I smacked the window and every one looked up

Katies face lit up she jumped out of the pool and ran into the house.

Luke came down with me and went and spoke to the rest of the group

Katie ran up to me and hugged me

"I've missed your ugly face" she said backing away

"Thanks. Just thanks hahaha" I replied

So the whole awkward situations will be when I see the rest of the boys (meaning jai)

I got into the backyard and jai was sat on a deck chair along side James beau and skip.

"Hey you!" James said

I smiled and replied

"Hey guys" I said kinda quietly...

Everything just want silent

"So how have you been" beau said trying to break the silence

"I've been good. Couldn't be happier..." I replied sarcastically

I walked back through to the house and sat down on the sofa and Katie sat next to me...

"You don't feel right do you..." She said looking at me

"No. I feel like this whole group has just separated because of me." I replied

"It's not just you it was jai and luke also!" She said back to me

"I know I know. but you know what I mean" I exclaimed

I'm not going to run back home like I did last time because I don't want to... I think moving in was a bad idea. I mean the boys are still the janoskians and us girls are still so close and I can't afford to loose them...

"I just don't know if I can stay in this house Any longer" I added

"You can't leave Tia, we all love you even though jai and luke are angry at each other doesn't mean they can sort it out... " Katie replied

As she said that the rest of the boys and Gabby came inside.

"We are ALL going out tonight! As a family to sort this shit out okay!" Beau said accentuating the "all"

I just nodded and the rest of the group also

"Where are we going exactly?" Daniel exclaimed

"To a restaurant to sit down and talk!" He said

"Now go get ready tables booked for 8" he added

We all toddled off to separate rooms I went to jais to get the rest of my stuff out of his room. I walked in

"Im getting stuff if that's okay..." I said to him

"Yeah go ahead" he said sadly

I was expecting him to have shoved it all in a bag and dumped it somewhere but it was still all neatly placed in the draw....


Jai's POV

I heard people walking on the front door and I knew exactly who it was. She came running through the to the garden with a huge smile. If anyone was to ask if I missed seeing her smile is say yes.

They were all talking and I just sat puffing on hookah and thinking about how I couldn't care less about what they were talking about.

Beau called us all into the living room

"We are ALL going out tonight as a family to sort shit out" he said

Ugh. Great!

"Where exactly are we going?" Daniel asked

All I heard was restaurant before I walked to my room to get ready.

About 5 minutes later Tia was at my door

"I'm just getting my stuff..." She said in a petite voice

"Yeah go ahead" I replied. I hated seeing her pile her clothes up and carry them out of my room as much as I hated her I still love her! And I'm dating Ari.....


Tia's POV

"K thanks" I said picking up the clothes pile and walking out.

I placed them on Luke's bed and started to get ready. I glanced at luke he was doing his hair. His wet curls dripping onto his pale AF skin.

He looked back and start to laugh. I walked into the bathroom and he pulled me into a hug I felt the water droplets running down my back. He squeezed me so tight he released and moved back still gripping my hips. He lent in and pushed his lips against mine.

He came away and said

"You're amazing and I couldn't ask for anything better...."

"I love you" I replied

I walked back out and pick my outfit out and got Changed. Luke was ready an looked so good!

I was ready and so was everybody else. We had to split into two cars so James luke Katie and I were all in my car then beau, Daniel Gabby and jai were in beaus car. I followed beau the whole way, we pulled up at a chiqutos (Mexican restaurant). We all got out of the cars, beau was already inside and asking for the table booking.

We got into the restaurant and we all say down it was a Long table four seats either side and thankful fore I had jai opposite me :|

We kept glancing at each other but every time we did we made that really awkward eye contact....great.

We were all talking and I was actually having a really good time I feel like it wasn't so awkward me and luke being there. They may have been because I had, had a little to much to drink.


We'd all finished eating and having a really good time. Luke and jai BOTH went to the toilet....


😁😁😁 what's going to happen between the boys!

Sorry for the boring chapter didn't really know where to take it for this one... Leave any suggestions down below


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