Chapter 5

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It's not Gabby...

"Jai why are you here" I start to cry again.

I pulled his jumper off and chucked it to him and slammed the door. I turn my back against the door and slide down curling my head into my knees

"Tia?" Katie walks round the corner to see me crying

I stand up and pull my phone out of my pocket to see a message from jai it read...

Hey, um I was wondering if you wanted to speak about it... I'm assuming Gabby told you. X

To Jai💋
Um she didn't tell me... I was there I saw you do it... Yeah we can speak but not right now. X

I waited for the reply... I waited for 5 minutes until I switched my phone off turned the light off and when into the spare room.

I flopped onto the bed in the same dress I had on when I left for the traumatic night.
I stared at the ceiling until I heard a knock at the bedroom door....
It was Katie she flicked the light on and sat at the end of the bed.

"Gabby couldn't make it she needed to get home" Katie said

"Don't even worry about it, I'm sure if you speak to him it'll be fine" she said trying her best not to make me cry

"Yeah I guess" I sighed


Jai's POV

I ran out of the party straight after Gabby. She'd already gone
I got beau to pick me up but before I went home I told him to stop at Katie's apartment.

I ran up the stairs and knocked at on the door. I felt my heart pounding it felt like I was waiting for ever.

I could hear Tia talking then her unlocking the door... It opened and her face just instantly dropped

"Jai why are you here!" She said looking as if she was going to cry

I watched her pull off the jumper I'd given her and throw it into my face before slamming the door.i didn't know what to think say or do

I turned around slid down the door and put my head to my knees, I felt like punching something. How could someone be such an ass! I sat and cried until my phone buzzed, it was beau

Big bro beau👌🏼
Yo, where are you I need to get home to feed hamlet?

To Big bro beau👌🏼
Sorry I'm coming now...

I got up my eyes stand from the light. I got into the car and didn't say a word I chucked the jumper on the back seat of the car.

We got home about 20 minutes later
I decided to text Tia and see if she wanted to talk about everything.

To Tia💋
Hey, um I was wondering if you wanted to speak about it... I'm assuming Gabby told you. X

From Tia💋
Um she didn't tell me... I was there I saw you do it... Yeah we can speak but not right now. X

I read the message I threw my phone against the wall and sat on my bed.
She saw me that's why Gabby ran out! I picked up the picture of us two that was in the back of my phone case put it in my pocket, turned the light off and went to sleep.



I woke up thinking the hole night was a dream then to quickly realise it wasn't when I looked down to see I was still in the dress.

I stood up and looks in the mirror my make up was still the same... ugly. I grabbed my towel off the unit and jumped in the shower.

When I got out Katie had made me breakfast. I didn't know wether or not to contact Jai so I rang beau.
The phone rang twice then he picked up. He'd obviously just woken up because he sounded like a frog.

"Hello" he croaked

"Hi. Sorry I know it's early but can you pick me up I need your advice?" I questioned

"Yeah sure I'll be there in 5" he replied

"Okay see you soon" I then hang up the phone and put it back on the table. I pick up my plate, place it in the sink.

"Who was that?" Katie asked

"Oh just beau he's coming to pick me up" I answered before walking down the corridor.

"Oh are you gonna stay at there's tonight" she yelled back

"Maybe I'm going to take a bag just in case" i yelled back.

*20 minutes later* *knock* *knock*

"BEAUS HERE!" Katie screamed

"COMING!" I hollered back


Jais POV

I was awoken by the sound of beau asking the same question

"I'm going to pick Tia up are you coming?" He asked continuously

"No!" I moaned back then slumped over to face the wall

I lied in bed thinking about what had happened that night. I heard beau close the door, I reached into my pocket for my phone then quickly remembering that it's in a million pieces on the floor. I pulled out the picture of Tia and I...

*10 minutes later*

I got up put a beanie on got changed picked up the car keys and drove to Starbucks then to the Apple Shop to get my new phone.

Once I had gotten it I put all the numbers back on it while I was sat in the car park I uploaded the stuff and I had loads of messages from luke asking me to buy him a coffee so me being the best brother went back and done so.
I rang beau but he didn't answer then I remember he was with Tia...


Tia's POV

I walked out side i kept hearing beaus phone ring

"You gonna answer that?" I said to beau

"Nah it's Jai" he replied

I didn't say anything. We got back to the house Katie was greeted by James I told her that I was going to the pier and if Jai asks I'm with beau. I got back into his car and we started to drive down.

"Beau help me" I broke Down into tears
Beau pulled into a car park. He pulled me into a hug (AS A FRIEND!) I didn't know what to do about Jai I needed to speak to him but I didn't have the power to.

"I'll ring Jai hang on" beau said quickly taking his phone out his pocket

I watched him pace up and down a few times. He got back into the car, turned on the engine and started to drive to the pier again.

"I told Jai to meet us at the pier so you can talk but I'll be there" he said rolling down my window so i could get some air.

We pulled up to the car park and I didn't have a clue what to say to him...


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