Chapter 33

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"I love you too Luke. I love you too..." I said smiling from ear to ear

I sat on the bed facing luke my back propped up against his wall he pulled out his laptop and began to edit the new TwinTalkTime video that is way over due...

I was watching Luke edit and the silence of the house hummed. My eyes were so droopy, being pregnant where's you out way more than expected. I placed my head on Luke's shoulder and dozed of into a nap

*55mins later*

"Oh good afternoon babe" Luke laughed

"Oh my gosh how long was I asleep?" I asked worried

"I'm only joking I've just finished editing I'm going to grab some food, you coming?" He asked

"Urm yeah, actually what as you getting?" I questioned

"Probably chipotle..." He said

"Mmmmm yeah but I'm craving gercins so could we pick some up on the way" I laughed

"Gercins! Hahaha do you mean pickles" he laughed

"Oh yeah haha that's what we call them in the UK..." I said

"Come on the lets go get some lunch" he said putting his arm round my waist walking down the stairs

We got to the car and I was so drained still. Luke put some music on and we both jammed out to the tunes. We got our food and pulled up into the car park and 'people watched' we always do this if we buy food for us and not the others

Once we'd finished eating, we decided to go for a walk so I could take my mind off of carrying to babies around. There was a beautiful lake side near by so we went there.

The are was crisp but warm enough to be out in. The crinkle of leaves beneath my feet as I took a further step and the sound of birds singing a thousand songs. It was so relaxing the longs branches of sycamore let's the sun peep through the leaves

Luke and I got at least half way round be for perching on a splintered bench made from old wooden slats and some metal for the framing. I glared up at the sky and watched each cloud pass making an image out of the shapes. Luke's arms were wrapped around my waist and was hugging me tightly

"What a nice way to spend the last few day before tour..." Luke said

"Oh yeah I forgot about tour!" I completely forgot that the boys were off on a world tour yet again. I so proud of how far they've come.

"Yeah I know it's come around so quickly. Can't wait to meet all the janoskianators!" He said excitedly

"I will come to all the US shows depending on how I am... and only London, so I can see my family in the UK" I said too Luke

"You don't have to come to all of them haha..." He laughed

"Yeah I know but it makes me so happy to see you all up on stage. And I can't wait for the day I can take our sons to one of the shows and them knowing its you!" I said

"Well we actually have back practice tomorrow during the day then it's literally a week tomorrow..." He replied

"It's come round so quick! I'll come to the practice but I'll probably leave about half way through so I can catch up on some work..." I said to him

"Yeah that's fine I'll get beau to drive us all there and you can come with the girls..." He said

"Yeah sure,Best we be off before it gets too late!" I said standing up

*at the house*

"we're back bitches" Luke shouted walking into the house

"Tia come here please!" Katie yelled

I walked up the stairs into James's room and Katie was sat cuddled up next to him

"Skips not coming on tour..." She said abruptly

"What? Why?" I said confused

"He said he needs to keep his distance from you and Luke so he's not coming..." She explained

"What. So he's not coming because of me! How immature." I argued

"He's also leaving the group..." She said softly

"Are you serious! I don't need this drama right now. I'm going to tell the fandom because it's my fault once again!" I said slamming the door as I walked out

"Tia it's not yours fault! He just doesn't want to be near you and Luke!" James yelled


"Woah woah woah, what's happened" Luke said running in

"Skip the Arsehole! Go and ask them for your self. He's leaving the group because of our relationship." I smashed my head against the pillow and clenched the bed sheets aggressively.

"Tia babe, calm down okay." He said rubbing my back calmly

"calm down! It's always my fault!" I yell

"FINE!" Luke spat, my whole body flinched as he stood up angrily. He stormed out the room and I just sat there

It genuinely felt like I had no one in this house at this point. All I did was tell at them and ruin friendships!

"FUCK!!" I screamed at the top of my lunch into a pillow

I heard beau running after Luke

"Luke she just upset ok! Now go and sit with her!" I heard beau yell at him. The car screeched off the drive way.

My heart was beating so fast and the babies were moving which was even more painful.

I got off the bed and got my purse and car keys

"I'm going out" I said walking out the door. There were a load of janoskianators at the top of the porch

"Tia! Can we get a picture" there voices cried

"Yeah of course" I said 

I spoke to the girls and after that I was a lot more calm. I walked back to the house and with that Luke pulled up.

As I was walking to the door, I felt the touch of Luke's cold hands against my hips he spun me round kissing me passionately.

"I'm sorry for shouting. My hormones are everywhere at the minute." I said sincerely

"No I'm sorry!" He said regretfully

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