Chapter 16

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"Luke!" I ran over to him

There was no response. He's knocked him self out. He stank of alcohol.

He was flopped on the sofa lying on his back with a vodka bottle in his hand. He was breathing but he was unconscious....

I shook him to see if he was in. A deep sleep but nothing.

My eyes were filled with tears. My vision was and I was shaking. I pulled my phone out my bag and dialled 999 (or 911 depending on were you live)

"Hello 999 what's your emergency" the lady spoke to the phone

"My friend is passed out on the sofa he's breathing but unconscious!" I said panicked

"Ok, calm down what the address and we'll send and ambulance." She said

I gave her the address and waited. Within 5 minutes they were here...

They rushed in and immediately pulled luke on to the stretcher. They ran him out to the ambulance and I followed. I got in the back of the ambulance and I gripped liked hand the whole way. He was on gas and air.

We got to the hospital and Luke was rushed straight out of the ambulance. I asked one of the paramedics which ward he'd be on.

"He's going into theatre. We need to flush his body now or there's a small chance of him being alive..." She said to me

My heart sank. She walked from me I sat on the bench and waited....


Jais POV

I drove up the drive way and left. Ariana texted me two days ago and asked if I wanted to meet up for drinks. I got to her house and she ran up to me and hugged me. It felt right.

We got ready because we were going out with the rest of the group to go out. We arrived at the club and I had no worries in the world.... I was with the girl I love.

We were all having so much fun until I saw her...

She screamed something but I just walked around the corner.

I saw her leave the club with Adina and Cameron... For the rest of the night we just had such a good night.

We got in the taxi and went back to the house. The front door was wide open and there was smashed glass everywhere. Katie rang Adina to see if she was with Tia but she wasn't....


Tia's POV

It had been about an hour now and a nurse came over to me told me that luke was in ward 6 in the trauma clinic....

I looked around trying to find this ward and then I spotted his curly hair. His eyes weren't open but he was breathing.

I sat in the chair next to the bed and held his hand and moved my thumb up and down across the plaster that was placed across his ripped knuckles. He had a breathing mask on to circulate the oxygen. A nurse soon came over to luke and tried to wake him.

She closed his name and his eyes began to open.

"Where am I?" He cried

"Your in the hospital. You knocked your self out by drinking" she replied

He didn't reply he looked left then right. He saw me then looked down at his hand and saw me holding it. I felt the grip of his hand get tighter as I tried to pull away. In smiled to myself.

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