Chapter Nine: The Meadow

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Chapter Nine: The Meadow

Looking behind me I saw that Valentine was gone, my lips pressed into a thin line before looking into my bedroom to find Sebastian right in the door way.



"Come.." He turned back into the bedroom and walked towards the bed.

Following him inside I closed the door shut behind me, listening to the click of the sound of it shutting.

I make my way to the bed, climbing into the bed, pulling the duvet around me tightly to then curl up against Sebastian as he got into the bed too besides me.

He pulled me close, not wearing gloves, not wearing a waist coat. Just his white soft cotton shirt and black, smart trousers. I was wearing my white nightgown, wrapping my arms around him I didn't let go. I never wanted to let go.

Why did this happen? Why can't I stay forever?

"I don't want to leave you.. We haven't been together for that long at all." I sniffle.

Sebastian hushed me softly, stroking my black hair gently, "I know, I know. I'm sorry it couldn't be any longer. I'm sorry that I couldn't find a cure."

Shaking my head I smile weakly, "It's okay, you've made this end even better than I hoped it to be."

It was silent.

"Tori, I want you to close your eyes."

Looking up to him I nod, closing my eyes like he wanted me to.

"You're going to fall asleep." He cupped my cheek but I kept my eyes closed, "But while you do so, I want to tell you a story about our future."

"Our future.." I whisper, wishing it was true.

"We end up finding a cure you know, this is just what you believe. When finding the cure, it took about a week for you to full recover from the side affects of it. Once you were better we had a future. The one you always wanted. You had your own flower shop, sold red roses. I always came in the afternoon to help out and Finny brought you flowers to sell from the Garden. Ciel liked to have them in a vase on his desk. Bard had some too. Elizabeth and Paula made flower crowns with them which the children that walked past loved and enjoyed. When you came back to the Phantomhive household, Mey-Rin made you tea and Valentine makes sure the fire is heated up and a blanket is waiting for you in your personal chair. We get married, and have a honeymoon to ourselves.. And we have kids. Three, one boy and twin girls."

I wish it was true.

"They grow up happily, cause mayhem for Ciel while he and Elizabeth marry and have kids of their own. Valentine and Paula have a thing going on too."

This makes me a smile, but I feel myself beginning to fall asleep.

"The Phantomhive household is big enough for the all of us. Even for the grandchildren. We never grown old, we'll always be like this. When we go to a meadow, where I took you for your first date, you're happy to re-new our vows. And we live happily ever after..."

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you all..

From what I can tell, the beginning of my death was painful, I was frantic, I was screeching but I was asleep and dying. Sebastian hadn't let me go for a second, whispering sweet nothing into my ear.
All I ever wanted was to stay.

Tori's Dream

Opening my eyes I was laying into the long grass of the meadow which looked like the one Sebastian had been telling me about before. Sitting up the area surrounding me was pale, it looked like I was in nothing but a patch of grass.

Turning to look the other way I see a figure there.

"Ah! Sebastian!" I call, standing to mg feet, running to him quickly with a grin. But, slowing to a stop I see a boy instead of a man.

The boy looked up to me, expressionless. Looking down to him, I watched him raising a finger to his lips to keep me quiet. Slowly, two girls, twins came up behind the boy, either one of them standing to his left and right.

They both looked like me and Sebastian.

Our children..

Dropping to my knees, I remain quiet as I hug all three of them tightly against me until they disappeared into nothing.


Turning around to look behind me Sebastian is standing there, looking down to me with a smile.

"Ah! Sebastian!"

Laughing, I stand and hug onto him, nuzzling my face against his as he hugged me back tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Let's stay here." I pull back a little to look to his face with a grin.

"We can't." He smiled sadly, "You must go home."



"Will you come with me though?"

"Master Ciel needs me."

"Of course." I smile, "You can't leave him. It's okay! I understand."



"I love you."

"And I love you."

"Shall we race?"

"Huh?" I blink.

"A race to the Phantomhive Household. Home, remember..?"

"Ah! Of course!"

"But.. A kiss first?"

Looking to Sebastian I nod my head. Wrapping my arms around his neck loosely to then lean to kiss his lips delicately, like he was too fragile for me to hold.

Kissing me back, he held my close with one hand.

Before I could pull away I felt a sharp pain my back and gasped.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I had buried the dagger deep into her heart as I held her against me. I could no longer watch her frantically move and listen to the sound of her screaming in pain.

Slowly, her body went limp and the whole entire household went quiet.

Pulling the knife out of her I threw it faraway from us as I held her close and buried my face into her shoulder.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry.

Breaking the promise I made I shed tears of what must of been a mixture of true love, lost and sorrow.

A few months later.. I went to the meadows where I had promised that I Would take her on our first date. Crouching to her gravestone, I place a rose next to the other flowers and tiny gifts with a weak smile.

"Until we meet again."

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now