Chapter Two: Dinner Deserved!!

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Chapter Two: Dinner Deserved!!

Tori's P.O.V

Sebastian has picked out an outfit for me to wear at tonights dinner, Bardroy said he is going to cook his best roast chicken and potatos, Ciel said this dinner is going to be huge because he wants this to be a dinner I shall never forget, Finny said he wants me to feel welcomed. The dress picked out is navy blue with black lace on the top half and on the bottom of the dress. Pulling the dress over my head it fits me perfectly, looking in the mirror I see it suits me completely and it is such a perfect fit.

I keep my hair down making sure I brush out all the knots so I do not look like I haven't made an effort. Stepping into the shoes prepared they make me the most littlest bit taller. Apply the most smallest amount of make-up to my face. Putting everything away I see it is almost time for dinner. Sitting on the edge of the bed I recall everything that has happened so far, the time I got rescued by Sebastian, meeting everyone in the Phantomhive household including the young Earl Ciel. But it seems I am missing something important...

There is a small knock on the door and the door opens to reveal Sebastian standing there, he gives me a bow. "Dinner is ready, may I show you the way? My la- My lady, are you alright? There is tears in your eyes"

I blink in surprise and wipe the hinting tears in my eyes away with my wrists and I nod twice "I am fine, thank you Sebastian, I was just thinking about some things". "My lady, what were you thinking about that would make you so sad?" He asks me. "How everyone is so kind and nice, and how master Ciel has let me stay here for free, but I'm thinking about home and how I must be missing something important...because I feel like I am slightly empty"

"Are you missing someone important? Your parents maybe?" Sebastian asks as he sits beside me. "I hate my parents" I say bluntly. "Oh? Can I ask why?". "They have used me various of times, they are cruel and harsh and I don't want anything to do with them anymore, I never want to return there". "You could stay here, nobody is forcing you out of this place, you are very welcome to stay and everyone here seems to enjoy your company". "Really?" I ask. Sebastian nods "Yes".

"Why don't we go and have some dinner? Master is awaiting you, he would very much like to speak to you and his fiancé Elizabeth is coming, she would very much like to meet you too and has planned for us to have a little ballroom dance" Sebastian tells me and stands up and holds out his hand for me to grab hold of.

Master Ciel has a fiancé?! What a lucky guy...I wonder what she is like and Elizabeth, what a pretty name, I believe that name is quite common to have in this century. Wait. Did he just a little ballroom dance?

"B-But I cannot dance. I have refused every invitation I have been given, people have offered me to teach me but I have refused those as well. And it seems I have two left feet and I am indeed clumsy" I exclaim.

"Then shall I teach you how dance before we go to dinner, we have about ten minutes before we have to get there" Sebastian says and captures my hand and pulls me up gently.

"A-Are you sure? Might tread on your feet" I say and feel slightly dizzy. Sebastian's left hand is placed on my shoulder and his other hand on my waist and I do the same feeling slightly embarrassed that I am actually letting someone teach me how to dance properly in a matter of ten minutes. "I don't feel any pain, I am going to go forwards on my left foot, you will go backwards"

"Y-Yes!" I say and nod various of times before Sebastian steps towards me and I move myself backwards slowly so it ends up Sebastian stepping on my foot instead but I don't feel any pain either.

After a couple of minutes I have learnt how to dance without making any mistakes and without looking at my feet. "You have done very well Lady Tori, but we better get to dinner otherwise it would be cold and we don't want to keep Master waiting" Sebastian tells me before we leave the room together and making our way down the corridor in silence.

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