Chapter Eight: The Night Before The End

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Chapter Eight: The Night Before The End

I woke up the next day with Sebastian right beside me, it's obvious he isn't asleep but he is very good at pretending. Maybe he is asleep, who knows? I sat up and had a massive stretch only to find my spine cracked in return and I screamed in response. How could a demon recieve such pain?

Sebastian's eye shot open and sat straight up hand on my back trying to tell me to stay calm. How could I? Valentine rushed in only to find me and Sebastian in the same bed. He didn't ask questions, he simply pulled Sebastian away from me and with one solid moment Valentine kicked me in the back and to be completely honest, it felt so much better, I could breathe.

"Tori, I'm sorry, are you okay?!" Valentine placed a shaky hand on my shoulder and I gave a simple nod. I couldn't speak, what just happened was scary. Was I going to die like that?

Sebastian got changed in a matter of seconds only to not be able to put his shirt on as I wore it. He left bare-chested to go and grab medicine for the pain and get changed into a shirt.

"What were you doing with Sebastian last night?" Valentine asked. He didn't look at me when he asked me and I looked down to my hands, what could I say?

"We slept together..." I mumble but I knew Valentine understood, he's been able to understand everything I say.


"What?" He snapped at me and turned to me his eyes sharp and I felt myself flinch at the sight of his face, I had never seen him look so evil, cold, harsh, angry, mad, crazy...

"What will you do after I'm gone? I have no soul to give you, I'm just a demon, like you and Sebastian... What could I possible give you as I thank you for what you have done for me?"

"What have I done Tori? Protected you and then left you only to get poisoned by your parents and now what am I doing? Protecting you from what?! You're just find on your own!"

But I'm not. I thought to myself.

"Don't leave me." I say and gripped hold of his jacket as he turned to leave me alone "I'm scared, I'm really really scared, don't you understand? I need you!"

"You have the Phantomhive household now, what more could you want?" He didn't look at me as his tugged his jacket away from me "I don't need your pity and I won't give you any."

He left the room by slamming the door behind him and I was left all alone sat there. I reached my hand towards the door but let it drop back on the bed.

Why do I hurt everyone I love?

It was ages before I left the room and made social interaction with anyone. Finny was the first one I spoke to and made conversation, he decided to show me his newest garden work and I have to say I was rather impressed. I don't know where Sebastian had ended up that morning, he went to get me medicine but never showed up, but Ciel isn't here so many he is escorting him.

That is definitely, likely the main reason.

Valentine hasn't shown either since the other night when he left with such an expression I couldn't push out of my head. How could I be so cruel?

The day roled on and I felt weaker and weaker every second. I had slept throughout dinner and Finny had to wake me up an hour after for me to come and eat something.

I climbed out of bed and followed him, I needed to stay awake, I couldn't stay like this. I just couldn't. The pain was worse and I felt worse.

Am I horrible person? I want my life to end... For this pain to end for good.


Looking up I stood in front of Sebastian, he looked down to me and reached out a hand, pushing back a few strands of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

How was I suppose to leave Sebastians and the ones I love?


Why didn't I shut myself away?

"Tori. I love you."

Blinking, I gawked up to Sebastian, tears brimming in my eyes as my heart yearned to reach out for him, to reach out for comfort, for love.

He leaned down to peck my forehead to then hold me against him. My tired eyes slowly closed as I leaned against him, my head resting against his chest. "I love you too, Sebastian.." I whispered.

"I spoke to Valentine, I managed to calm him down.." He whispered, his voice sounding weaker as he began to hold me tighter.

"Sebastian.. This is it isn't it.."

He didn't answer.

I smile weakly and snuggle into him, "I understand."

"I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "You never have to be sorry. I love you and you've loved me and that's all that matters."

"I will always love you."

My first goodbyes were to Finny, Mey-Rin and Bard. I hugged all of them individually and then together. Finny said he'd miss me immensely and would never forget me which brought me to the verge of tears. Mey-Rin was the first to cry, hugging me tightly and never letting go, and then Bard patted my head with a grin. I knew he was going to miss me.

Ciel was next, he at first shook my hand firmly and thanked me for joining them here at the Phantomhive household and that it was fun while it lasted. He then wrapped his arms around him for a hug which I could not refuse.

Walking down the corridor to my bedroom I wondered what was waiting for me there as Ciel said there was a surprise.

Making it to my bedroom, I saw Valentine outside my bedroom, leaning against the wall. He then lifted his head to reveal his sad red eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't give you anything." I was the first one to pipe up.

"I never wanted anything from you, Tori Hathaway." He grinned weakly and moved to reach out a hand.

Taking his hand I allowed him to pull me closer and into a hug, hugging onto him I inhale his scent on last time.

Tears falling down my cheeks I sniffle and pray to God he won't be lonely when I go.

"Sebastian said I can work here from now on if I wanted."

"Are you going to?" I asked, my voice breaking because of the tears.

He tilted my head up and pecked my lips briefly, "I will, I'm going to find you someday you know? I'll hunt you down and find you like I did the first time."

The kiss I ignored for now it was the time to complain. Laughing, I wiped my tears from my eyes. "I'd like that."

I watched Valentine open the door before moving past me, "I love you, Tori."

Before I could say anything, he was gone.

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now