Chapter One: The Phantomhive Household

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Chapter One: The Phantomhive Household

Tori's P.O.V

Opening my eyes I find myself laying in a king size bed dripping in cold sweat. Sitting up I hold my head in my hands my eyes staring down to the cover. What happened to me? Looking around the room I see there is a brown desk in the corner with plain white paper and feather pens. Where am I? Heaven?

"Good morning, my lady" someone says making me jump, my frantically turns to the door to find a man wearing a black butler outfit, his red eyes beam at me, his black hair falls against his face perfectly. He holds a tray in hands which had edible food on clean china plates and well polished cutlery.

"My lady, breakfast is deserved" He says and places the tray carefully on my lap and then gives me a bow "My name is Sebastian Michaelis, the butler of the owner of this household, Ciel Phantomhive, I found you in the middle of the forest on my way home yesterday, you were covered in wounds I couldn't just leave you there, so I brought you here with the permission of my lord, our maid cleaned you and fixed your wounds, it seems you have a massive cut on your right shoulder, our maid Mey-Rin bandaged it up for you"

I grab my right shoulder feeling the bandage underneath the cream nightgown I am wearing which the maid known as 'Mey-Rin'' as put me in. They must of looked at the size of my clothes at the outfit I wore yesterday.

"Due to the amount of rips on your dress yesterday we had to throw it away, I am so sorry that I couldn't fix it for you my lady but we have arranged a wardrobe for you which is built in over there" He says and points to the other side of the room where a wooden wardrobe stands "And if you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" Sebastian asks me and bows again.

"Tori, Tori Hathaway" I say giving him a bow with my head "Thank you so much for saving me and letting me stay here in the Phantomhive household and letting me have such a splendid room, built in wardrobe and such good looking breakfast"

"The pleasure is mine Lady Tori, I shall go and tell the young master Ciel that you are awake, I'm sure he would love to meet such a beautiful strong women like you, the young master has also requested that you stay here as long as you need as long as you play chess with him almost everyday"

Sebastian leaves me enchanted with such a kind person this Master Ciel is. He has let me stay here as long as I can as long as I play chess, I have played chess various of times with Valentine and I have alm- wait... VALENTINE, where is he?! OH I FORGOT TO CALL FOR HIM!!! Looking down to the breakfast I feel my stomach rumble in reply. Staying here for a week won't hurt will it? I can always call for Valentine when I'm in trouble. I am a demon after all and I am pretty sure I can look after myself. Right?

I tuck in into my breakfast which made my eyes water since it tastes so good. Valentine normal makes a very good breakfast but this is just magical in so many ways. After finishing breakfast I place the tray on the bedside table. I make the bed giving Sebastian one less job to do. Going to the wooden wardrobe I see so many clothes that I don't know what to pick. Pick something nice to wear Tori! I pick out a black dress which matches my black hair and golden eyes. I find small heels at the bottom of the wardrobe and a hair brush in a draw and I tie my hair up into a bun.

Carrying the tray outside of the room I am staying in I clash with a girl with cherry red hair, her big circle glasses hide her eyes. We both go onto the floor spilling a vase of water all over the carpet.

"Oh no! Sebastian is going to go crazy! Oh god, Miss I am so so sorry!" She says turning to me in such a worry. I raise my hands and give a smile "It is okay, you're not hurt are you? Here, let me help you up" I say and stand up and hold out my hands. She looks up to me enchanted, she places her hands in mind and I pull her up. "It is very nice to meet you, you must be Mey-Rin, my name is Tori Hathaway" I say holding out my hand politely. She gives me a bright smile and goes to shake my hand but instead gives me a hug and squeezes me tightly. "Oh my it is so nice to meet you! It is so nice to have another girl in the household! And such a nice kindhearted one too!"

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now