Chapter Three: Undertaker

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Chapter Three: Undertaker

Tori's P.O.V

Sitting the carriage I sit restlessly beside Sebastian and opposite Master Ciel. I can't help but feel the most tiniest bit awkward like this. I hear Master Ciel clear his throat and I instantly move my head so I can face him. "Don't worry about meeting Undertaker, he's just going to give us some information...he might ask you to have some measurements done but that shall be all" Master Ciel tells.

"Measurements, why?" I ask tilting my head slightly. "Undertaker is a funeral worker, he'll probably create you a coffin for when you die in quite a lot of years" Master Ciel answers to my question and flaps his hand at me. Well that makes things even worst for me, especially when I die probably in two to three years, probably this year...

The carriage soon stops outside a building, it is very dark coloured building with a massive sign saying 'Undertaker'. I gulp feeling a dark aura coming from it. Sebastian gets out first and helps Master Ciel first before holding out his hand to me and helps me out of the carriage. Treading on the bottom of my dress I slip and fall into Sebastian. "Please be careful Lady Tori" Sebastian sets me onto my feet making sure I can stand properly. I nod "Yes!".

Entering the building I see it is a room full of coffins, books, grave stones and lots of other dark objects. I hear a peculiar giggle coming from somewhere in the room causing me to feel a feeling of anxiety. One of the coffins in the room opens ever so slowly, a body rises from the coffin almost causing me to shriek. 

A guy climbs out of it with grey very long hair and a fringe which hides his eyes, a nasty scar seems to run diagonally across his face. He is wearing all black making more of a black aura. "Earl, I'm so glad you decided to visit, hehe~"

"We've come here for information" Ciel moves his hair out of his face showing all of his black eye patch, Ciel looks over to me before turning back to Undertaker "I would also like to introduce you to my guest Tori Hathaway."

"Hehe~ How very nice to meet you" Undertaker takes my hand gently and pats it lightly five times before dropping my hand making it drop to my side and turns to Master Ciel with a massive pearly white grin on his secretive face of his "What would you like to know about today?~"

"There has been a various amount of murders around the village these pass two weeks. All seeming to be young ladies, mainly with black hair" Master Ciel nods to Sebastian who passes some pictures of the girls to Undertaker. Before and after shots. 

"Hmm... If I can recall, there is going to be a massive village masquerade ball tomorrow night, the killer is most likely to be there to search for his next prey. I would watching out darling Tori, your black hair is very enchanting~" 

I raise my hands quickly to the ends of my hair gripping hold tightly and butterflies fill up my stomach. "Sebastian, we are going to go to the ball" Ciel demands. "There is nothing planned, my lord" Sebastian places a hand on his heart and bows besides Ciel.

"Tori!" Ciel turns to me making me feel alarmed "You're coming with us to the ball, if anyone tries to capture you I'll make sure Sebastian comes to your rescue"

The demon. I think to myself, me and Sebastian are probably quite alike, it's just the fact I'm a pathetic loser and he is the most coolest person I know apart from Valentine. I can also call for Valentine, I'm sure he'll be glad to see me... Sort of... Maybe...

"I-I'm sure everything will be fine, but I'm happy that you'll let me come along as well" I say smiling as hard as I can trying not to make it fake.

I hear a familiar giggling and I realize that I have slightly forgotten that Undertaker was in the room with us. Turning to him slowly I see he is holding a tape measure in his hands and while giggling with a massive grin on his face he is slowly getting closer and closer towards me.

Sebastian holds out a arm blocking the path for Undertaker to reach me with a deadly glare "I think we should go, my Lord... Milday.", "Very well" Ciel nods once before leaving the shop before Sebastian follows. Before I can tag along Undertaker grabs my arm and whispers to me "Watch out for that demon, he causes a lot a trouble, hehe~~~"

Walking down the corridor of the Phantomhive Household I run a hand through my black and think about what Undertaker said. "Causes a lot of trouble hey? I'm sure that isn't entirely true". "Tori-san?" Someone asks and I look up holding my head in one hand to see Finny standing before me with a smile. 

"Good afternoon Finny" I smile. "You too Tori-San! Tori-San, is something wrong? You look extremely pale, should I go and get Sebastian?" 

"No, no, I'm fine thank you very much Finny, I just feel very exhausted" I say which was a complete lie. I'm not tired, I feel sick, my lungs are killing me and thinking isn't a good thing either. The disease is affecting me badly.

"I hope you're feeling better very soon Tori-San! Bye-Bye! I must go attend the gardening!" He gives me a goofy grin before before rushing off down the corridor.

Looking around I quickly rush to the nearest bathroom and lock myself inside and regurgitate last nights dinner. Wiping my mouth with a piece of tissue I chuck it in the toilet and flush. Standing up slowly I look at myself in the mirror, my skin is definitely getting paler.

Leaving the bathroom I find Sebastian standing there standing infront of me with a face full of sorrow making me step back and grip hold of the door frame.

"C-Can I help you Sebastian?" I ask tilting my head trying to act as my nature self. 

"Tori, is there something wrong with you?" He asks me in reply making me sigh.

"I'm fine" I lie and look away from Sebastian frowning slightly.

Sebastian cups my face in his hands gently and makes me look him in the eyes "Your a bad liar little demon girl Tori Hathaway. You obviously vomitted in the bathroom, your skin is extremely pale. Are you sure you'll be able to come to the ball tomorrow?"

I flush darkly and move my eyes away from him "I'll be fine, nothing is wrong I just threw up that's all" 

Sebastian caresses my cheeks lightly "It's much more than that isn't it Tori?" He raises an eyebrow at me and I feel myself placing my hands on his and I carefully pull them away.

"I said it was nothing, which means it's nothing, I'm sorry for making you worry about me, I really don't want to be a burden to everyone here, g-goodnight Sebastian!" 

I turn around quickly and rush down the corridor. I cannot become attached to Sebastian Michaelis! Not matter what! I don't want to fall in love with him or anyone! I don't want to be a burden to anyone, especially after all there kindness and company!

Entering my room I shut the door and climb onto the bed and hug one of the pillows tightly to my chest and I bury my face into it.

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now