To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~

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Tori's P.O.V

Opening my eyes to find myself laying at the bottom of a muddy hill in a muddy puddle I feel disgusted with myself. The rain pours hard onto my face, into my eyes, I don't feel any pain, probably because I am not moving, because I cannot move. It is like my body is completely paralysed. Shutting my eyes I wish I can reach for my shoulder to show the seal. Where is Valentine? He should be here protecting me like he always should... such a pathetic butler... but I shouldn't think about him like that... he is actually truly amazing. Valentine. I think to myself helplessly.

Looking around with just my eyes I am annoyed with the amount of trees, there is so many that I can't see if there is a path anywhere, it also doesn't help that I can't move my neck or head. I shouldn't of been so selfish before...hurting my only family like that, maybe I am truly the pathetic one...but they used me before and I somehow knew they were going to use me again and now this disease is killing me from the inside out, there is no real cure for this...I need to stop getting close to people, otherwise, I am just going to hurt more people than I already have.

Stop being so pathetic! Your name is Tori Hathaway! The daughter of a demon! I may die in the future because of this disease and I may be physically weak but I have to at least get myself out of this muddy foul smelling puddle!

Moving my left and right arm into the air I feel my body cracking making me grimace. Sitting up I clench my teeth and try not to scream. Standing up my legs buckle together, gripping hold of the nearest tree I start to walk slowly, every step I take I either grip hold of the tree I am holding onto or reaching for something to capture.

When accidentally missing the next tree I reach for I tumble to the damp ground, rolling onto my back I feel like giving up, how can a demon give up! I need to stay strong for my butler and myself. Rolling onto my front I go onto my hands and knees. Crawling through the mud I feel it get thicker and thicker by the second. Reaching for the next patch of mud I feel that there is none there and I end up falling down a hill once again.

My body clashes with full grown trees and branches which stick to the muddy ground. Reaching the end of the hill my vision is starting to go blurry. Looking up to the sky I feel the rain fall onto me harder than it has done, shutting my eyes off from the rain I feel a stinging pain mostly covering my body. There must be cuts.

As my body starts to drift into darkness I turn my head to the right and open my eyes one last time, a blurry figure is walking towards me slowly, shutting my eyes I only reopen them to find black shiny polished shoes in front of my eyes. A hear a mumble before I drift off to full darkness.

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now