Chapter Seven: Kiss Away My Demise

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Chapter Seven: Kiss Away Demise

Running down the hallway Mey-Rin, Finny and Bardroy all shout out at me to wait for them to catch him. I can't stop my feet from running. Running and running I made it to the room, grabbing the door handle I push the door open and see Ciel, Sebastian and Valentine.

Looking at Sebastian I noticed he was just fine, not a single scratch mark in sight. Exhaling in relief I tried to calm myself down.

"Please take a seat Tori, you in no state to stand right now," Mey-Rin tugged lightly at my arm and I decided not to argue with her.

Sitting down in the chair I gripped the arms tightly with my hands. 

"You're okay," I say to Sebastian as I watched him look over to me with a straight face.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. 

"I thought my parents would..." I stopped myself.

"You parents didn't see me, but I found the bottle and before they could reach me I smashed it into pieces," Sebastian says "and I couldn't find a remedy."

"No remedy?!" Ciel demanded his face full of anger, he slams his hand on the desk making me jump and everyone else apart from Sebastian and Valentine who both stand incredibly still.

"I didn't have enough time, and it didn't look like they made one either," Sebastian said "I am sorry my lord," 

 Sebastian had bend over like he normally does when he says 'Yes, my lord' but Ciel face became so dark and frightening that I felt like I was glued to the floor and I had to watch what happened next. Ciel punched Sebastian across the floor. 

Sebastian didn't move a single moment as Ciel started to hit him with anger, bruises and red marks had formed around Sebastian's face and tears were hinting at the corner of his eyes.

"You idiot Sebastian!" He yelled "Tori is family and you're just going to let her die like this!" 

Ciel stopped hitting Sebastian and had turned to me, a single tear rolled down his cheek leaving a wet mark under his eye. It was the first time I had ever seen Ciel ever so angry.

"Get out, all of you..." He turned his back to me before flipping his desk, papers going everywhere and ink stains the floor. 

Everyone left but I felt stuck to the floor until Valentine placed a hand on my back and showed me the way out. Leaning against Valentine I squeeze onto a part of my dress. I couldn't go weak, I couldn't die. I had to do everything on my bucket list. 

Turning around before leaving I see Sebastian picking up the papers which were laying on the floor. I frowned and I stood up away from Valentine and turned back around and ran towards Sebastian where I hugged him from behind.

"Thank you so much for trying!" I said squeezing him as tightly as possible as if I never wanted to let him go ever again.

"Tori..." He whispered before touching my hands and turning to me with a kind smile and his crimson eyes shut.

"Come on Tori you need to rest," Valentine says before he plucked me off Sebastian and carried me out of the room "You'll see him again at dinner,"

I never went to dinner...

My face was buried into my pillow as I panted. I could barely breath, the sick bowl beside my bed was already half full. Shaking I move head away from the pillow. Valentine was getting me a cold flannel for my head as my temperature had gone up.

I hadn't heard anything from anyone, I don't know what happened to Sebastian, I didn't know what Ciel had done after I left with Valentine. The others had left to tend their daily duties.

Valentine entered the room with a weak smile "You don't look so good, I got you a flannel," He sat down beside me as I rolled onto my back. Valentine carefully placed the flannel on my forehead like I was a delicate flower.

"I've asked if the chef could make you some soup, I said you might not eat a lot so he said he'll make a small bowl for you," He took my hand in his "Tori I have made some calulations for your death... I... It seems you only have about a couple of days left. Maybe three at the most."

I had thought so, with the way my body is reacting at this moment I can tell that I don't have long and it's going to get so much more painful. Will I be able to make it longer than three days?

"Sebastian said he'll bring in a bowl of ice cold water for you and will bring in the soup, will you be alright until then?" He asked his red eyes beaming down on me.

I looked right at him before nodding once, he got off the bed and his weight quickly disappeared and I felt so alone. He shut the door quietly. As soon as he left I could hear talking from outside it must be Sebastian. 

Picking the what was meant to be cold flannel I feel it burning, no wonder Sebastian is bringing me a bowl filled with ice.

The door opened with a loud creek. Turning to face the pillow I chuck the flannel to the side.

"Tori," Sebastian said calmly before shutting the door behind him and locking it "I heard from Valentine about what's going on. We should try and spend the most of it as well as possible."

I always used to get this funny feeling in my stomach whenever Sebastian came close to me, it was a beautiful weird feeling which would most of all freak out. And it all started when we met, and the way he found out I was demon just like him, the time I slipped and he caught me. All the times he cared about me it meant a lot. I knew I decided to not get attached to anyone but it's already to late. I'm in love with Sebastian...

"I don't want you to look at me right now," I said quietly but loud enough so he could hear me properly "I look ugly. Sebastian, leave me alone from now on, okay? I don't want you to be sad when I'm gone, I don't want anyone to be sad after I've gone..."

The sound of the bowls are placed next to me on the side. The weight of Sebastian is now on the bed and I squeeze my eyes tightly shut.

The feeling of Sebastian hand is wrapped around my arm and he pulls me up, turning my head to see what he was doing his lips were pressed against mine. In shock it felt like Sebastian was kissing away my demise. All the weight on my shoulders were taken away.

Sebastian pulled away for a moment "I wouldn't mind if you broke my heart Tori Hathaway,"

I stared at him the tears hinting at the corner of my eye. Taking a breath I realized I was trembling "I love you Sebastian!"

He didn't look surprised as he smiled in a kind way not the way he smiles just before he is going to kill someone. "I love you to," He moved his lips once again and they stayed there before moving down to my neck.

Bucket List

1. Have a kiss with someone special to me. 

2. Have a special night with someone special to me. 

Those two things were completed that night. 

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now