Epilogue: The Flower Shop

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Epilogue: The Flower Shop
18 years later
Sebastian's P.O.V

"Are you really going to get red roses for her grave again, Sebastian? Don't you think she'd fancy something different after all these years?" Master Ciel looked up to me, cocking an eyebrow like a male of his fine age would.

"Yes Master, they were her favourites." I dipped my head in a nod as we sat in the carriage and made our why to the town.

"Bloody hell, I understand why you do it, because you love her. But doesn't it get boring? I can't imagine myself to go to Elizabeth's grave and placing white lilies every week."

"Sir, I don't think you should wish your wife's life away." I comment with a soft smirk.

"I suppose not." Ciel sighed deeply and leaned on his fist once propping his elbow on one of his knees opposite me.

After a moment of silence Ciel sat up straight and smiled, "There is a new flower shop in town. Valentine mentioned a business opening up the other week."

raising my own eyebrow I wonder.

It can't be.

Soon arriving at the flower shop I climb out and watching Ciel wander off the another shop to leave me to it. Knowing I'll want a moment alone.

Looking, I see a black haired female standing outside the shop, passing out roses without thorns to the children for free.

I know her.

Hurrying forward, I remember those eyes, that skin.

She's here!

I don't recognise the blunt fringe, those worn, plastered fingers.

"Thank you!" She waved to the kids as they rushed off.

That voice.

"Huh? O-Oh! Can I help you?" She gazed up to me with a shy smile, a small look of confusion as I seemed to be looking down to her with a gaping mouth.

"Forgive me, why, you are the most beautifulest flower I have ever seen."

I loved the way her cheeks flushed, the way she got nervous around me.

"H-Here!" She passed me a free rose without thorns.

I took it gently and sniffed it softly, "So sweet."

"Thank you for coming!" She grinned happily.

Blinking, I moved to take a rose with thorns, picking off the thorns with ease before pasting it to her.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"I.. I would like that." She took the rose and smiled brightly.

For a moment we gazed to each other and she suddenly said, "I feel like we've met before. What's your.."

"Sebastian." I cut her off with a chuckle, "And your?"

"It's Tabitha."

"It's beautiful.."

"Although, I'm nicked name Tori."

"How so?"

"Because when I was born I used to call myself Tori Hathaway all the time."


"I feel.. Better with Tori."

"then I shall call you that."

"You will?! Um... Will you say it?"


To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now