Chapter Four: Masquerade

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Chapter Four: The Masquerade Ball

Tori's P.O.V

Looking in the mirror the black sleeveless dress shows off my pale skin, the top of the dress fits tightly on me but the bottom is puffed out everywhere. Around my neck is a silver heart shape locket that Mey-Rin gave me. Finny happily did my hair into a small bun and pinned it back with golden grips and Bard offered me a cigarette but I declined. My golden eyes stare right back at me. Sighing I look away from the mirror.

The door opens to reveal Sebastian who is wearing a very smart black and white tuxedo. His hair falls from in front of his face. Turning to the side I see that Sebastian's hair looks sort of like a raven.

“Do you like it?” He asks me with a small grin and I nod once in reply with a smile. “It's beautiful.” Sebastian takes hold of my hands and looks at me now with a small frown “It's time." "Yes.”

Going down the stairs I see that Master Ciel awaits us at the bottom holiday a black mask which is covered with all different sorts of patterns. Reaching the bottom Master Ciel holds out the mask to me.“This is for you."“Me?”He smirks “Who else would wear this mask which has been passed down the Phantomhive Household?”This mask must be really important…

Leaving the household Sebastian keeps a hand on my back as we walk to the carriage which is waiting for us.

Getting inside I hear Mey-Rin call “Have fun!”

Touching my shoulder where it's bandaged up I feel it aching for me to pull it off. But I cannot reveal I have my own butler… Not yet anyways. I can't say weak.

Sebastian shuts the carriage door and seats opposite me with Ciel and the carriage sets off.

“We are going to the ball only for one reason and that reason only; we are going to catch the murder." Ciel says.“Tori, you are going to be our bait. Once the murder takes you away from the ball room Sebastian is going to be right behind you, I can reassure you, nothing is going to go wrong”

I don’t say anything to this, I looking out of the window and take a deep breath in through my nose and let it out through my mouth. Resting my head back I try not to fall asleep.

Reaching the building Sebastian is the first to get out, then Master Ciel and I follow. We place our masks on and I turn to Sebastian who definitely looks like a beautiful flawless black bird. Master Ciel wears a dark blue outfit it go with his mask.

Walking up the steps Sebastian links arms with me for a moment and let Ciel walk in front of us.

Once Ciel reaches a man with a scroll we all stop.

“Earl, Ciel Phantomhive!”The man reads out loudly and I hear an applause as Ciel goes down some steps.

“W-What's going on?” I turn to Sebastian quickly before we step forward.

“We have to introduce ourselves, the man with the scroll will tick our names off the list and then we can go to the ballroom, we will be separated for a moment…” I grip holds of Sebastian arm tightly when he tells me this.“…I’ll search for you when we dance”

“Sebastian Michaelis and Tori Hathaway" Sebastian says to the man on the scroll, he looks at us for a long moment before clearing his throat.

“Sir Sebastian Michaelis! The man calls out“The loyal butler to the Earl, and with Sir Michaelis… His lover Tori Hathaway!”

Everyone applause and Sebastian leads me down the steps.

“L-Lover?”I ask him in the whisper.

To Survive (Black Butler Fanfic) ~Sebastian x OC~Where stories live. Discover now