Chapter 3: Anniversary

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Mia's POV

I wake to Owen snoring softly besides me, I silently slip out of my sleeping bag so I don't wake Owen. I walk out of the tent and the Georgia wind blows my red hair in the wind I put it in a messy bun and go to get breakfast. I sit around the fire eating canned peaches and hear a scream, all of the men go to investigate and I follow slowly behind and they're a just standing there in front of a walker eating a deer, then they start beating the thing and finally Dale decapitates it but it not dead yet. The leaves start rustling a redneck man with a crossbow emerges out of the tree line, they must know this man because they do not seem alarmed by him. "what the hell, that was my deer." the redneck says. the walker head starts growling and the redneck man shoots it in the head, that's when the morning sickness kicked in, I threw up in a near by bush and I hear the redneck call me a pussy "she's pregnant." Dale whispers. I walk back to the fire to finish my breakfast "Merle!" the redneck shouts "Merle come here I got us some squirrel!" he shouts. Owen came and sat next to me "Who's Merle?" he asked "I have no idea." I responded. "do you want to go walk down to the quarry?" Owen asked since I didn't not want to get involved in the redneck's drama I said yes. Owen and I walked down to the quarry he got the boat and rowed us out into the middle of the water and put the anchor down. "Mia, I love you I don't ever want to lose you." he said and pulled something out of his pocket, "I want to always be with you, but that can't always happen."  and handed me a locket, I opened it was a picture of us on our wedding day. He put it on me. "So I will always be with you. Happy anniversary. I love Mia and I always will." I hugged him then he put his forehead against mine, I could feel his breath on my lips, I pressed my lips against his closing the space between us, his lips were soft against mine. He pulled away "Always and forever?" he asked "Always and forever." I answered. A car starting got our attention the moving truck was leaving camp, curious to see who was leaving we rowed back to shore, We walked back up to camp "what's going on?" Owen asked. "Rick, Daryl, T-dog, and Glenn left to go rescue Merle Dixon." Dale said obviously angry. "Wait who's Merle Dixon?" I asked "Daryl's brother." Dale answered. "ugh I'm so tired I'm gonna go lie down" I said and walked to my tent.
I awoke to screams I looked out the window of my tent and saw walkers attacking the camp I went to go help but I stopped because I started having the worst stomach pains ever. I sat down and clutched my stomach afraid I went into labor. I sat there for 5 minutes in pain until the groans of the dead disappeared I walked out of my tent and found Owen and told him what was happened he got Ruby and she explained that I might be in early labor. "You need to sit still and drink water." Ruby said taking me into the RV.

*30 minutes later*

"Ruby, it doesn't hurt anymore." I said relieved. "Okay that's good that means it was just a false alarm." Ruby explained "Okay." I said "We really need to find Alisha." Ruby said "I know." I stated.


*The next day*

Ruby put me in bed rest which really sucks because I'm stuck in the hot RV all day. Rick decided that we are going to drive to the CDC, because Jim is bit. I got moved from the RV to a car with Owen which a like better because I get to be with my husband. about 10 minutes into the drive Owen told be to get some sleep, I obeyed and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Owen woke me up because we got to the CDC, I looked out the window only to see dozens of dead bodies lying around the CDC. We got out of the car and the smell of the dead was so overwhelming, Owen held my hand as we walked. We got to the door and Rick knocked and Shane was yelling that nobody was here "You're killing us!" Rick shouted at the door. The dead started coming towards us because of the noise Rick was making. Owen and I turned around and I heard a loud clanking noise and turned around and saw a bright light.
sorry This chapter kind of sucks but the next ones will be more interesting hopefully.


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