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Can you believe this? This is the end. I'll be luck if I don't end up crying. I'll save all the mushy stuff for the end, but anyways, read on!

 "Dad, are you sure this is okay?" Isabel asked as she stood on the roof of the old dormitory Eren and Levi used to live in.

"No, but we're doing it anyways." Eren smiled, spreading out his wings. A grin danced across Isabel's lips as she stepped onto his broom Hanji had gotten her. After adjusting her shorts so she was comfortable, she felt her nerves bundle up in her stomach.

"What if I fall?" She asked, turning to look up at her dad's vibrant eyes.

"Then I'll catch you." He assured her. Feeling her smile grow wider, she nodded. On the count of three, they jumped off the roof. Her broom tipped nose down as she felt her heart lurch and all her muscles tighten, waiting to hit the ground that was rushing towards her.

"Pull up!" Eren called from where he was diving next to her. Gripping the front of her broom, she yanked up. With a sudden jerk, she was suddenly flying up with her father next to her. She watched in awe as his wings flapped, catching the wind and pushing down so he soared upwards. One wing, an angelic white and the next a demonic black. It was utterly gorgeous.

Eren let out a loud, booming laugh that has his daughter smiling and laughing with him. They flew over over the tree tops, the smell of bark and grass filling their lungs only to be ripped away by the wind. Isabel's red pigtails fluttered in the wind rather violently as she soared up and above her father. Holding onto the top of the broomstick to guide her, she seemed to fly through the clouds. It wasn't as she had expected, for it was surprisingly wet. She flew back down next to her father, her wet clothes sticking awkwardly to her skin. Eren laughed loudly upon seeing her as they flew down to the field where Eren and Levi often go.

"Wait! Wait! How do you land this thing!?" Isabel screeched, then crashed into Eren. They tumbled across the ground, Isabel splaying across Eren. They sat in silence for a moment before both bursting out laughing.

"Don't tell your father."

* * *

"Are you sure this is okay?" Farlan asked they stood on the top of the tree.

"Nope, but who cares." Levi smirked as he looked at Pepsi and Astro down on the ground. "All we're doing is going for a little joy ride. Nothing too harmful." Levi explained as Astro barked, wagging his tail and looking up at the sky. He jumped against the base of the tree, barking loudly. Familiar laughing caught Levi and Farlan's ears and they both looked up, seeing a certain half life and witch go zooming by.

"Is that Dad and Izzy?" Farlan asked. Levi unfurled his wings and Farlan quickly shifted into the tan ferret, jumping into Levi's arms. Levi jumped off the branch and flew into the sky just in time to see Isabel crash down from the sky, screaming about landing. Levi was thrown back to the memory of him and Eren and a smile found it's place on his lips. Though it was a small smile, it was a smile nonetheless.

"Let's go check on them before they end up killing themselves." Levi chuckled as he flew over. Pepsi and Astro ran along the ground and over to the field where Eren and Isabel were laying, both laughing. Levi landed, Farlan jumping from his arms and shifting back to his human form.

"O-Oh! Levi! Fancy seeing you here." Eren laughed nervously from his place under Isabel. Isabel scrambled off him and Eren stood up, wringing his hands together as he avoided eye contact with his husband.

"Yeah, I guess it is, huh." Levi said, his voice monotone as he walked over to Eren. Eren's face twisted enough to show her nervousness as Levi leaned up, their noses nearly brushing. "What's that face for? You look constipated." Levi said, a smirk pulling at his lips. A blush painted Eren's cheeks as he turned his face away.

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