Chapter 5

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So, this finally got graded and I passed! I'm pretty fucking proud and I got an award for Future Novelist because I'm the only one who got over one hundred pages, so I had to walk up on stage in front of the whole school and that sucked, but I'm proud of myself! Anyways, here's this!

Eren pulled the book away from his face, rubbing at his eyes before reading it once more.

'Eren Jaeger. Experiment 001'

"What the he-" Eren was cut off as he heard some scratching at his door. He jumped in surprise, dropping the book directly on his big toe. He let out a yelp, picking his foot up and hopping around to keep balance. He heard a bark from the other side of the door and more scratching as Eren cradled his foot. He set it down and limped over to the door, then pulled it open. Astro stood there, wagging his tail and peering up at Eren.

"There you are. I totally forgot you existed for like, an hour." Eren said and Astro's tail stopped wagging. Astro glared up at Eren, walked forward and stepped right on his already aching toe. Eren yelped once more, jerking back and falling onto his butt. Astro jumped on his stomach and stood there like it was his job, practically smirking down at Eren.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" Eren cried. "Now get off me!" He pushed at Astro's chest. The demon gave a huff before jumping off him, then moving to sniff around the house. Eren sighed, getting up and rubbing at his stomach as he closed the door.

"Well boy, this is our new home." Eren said, walking into the living room and plopping down on the couch. He rested his head against the back of the dust, black cushions and closed his eyes, relaxing for the time being.

He nearly fell asleep, and would have, if Astro hadn't started snarling at something. Eren jerked up and stood off the couch, looking around. When he didn't see him, he walked down the hall.

"Astro?" Eren asked, looking at the demon who was snarling at the basement door. His jaw was split four ways and his tail was now covered in scales with sharp hooks on the end. His legs too were covered in black scales and his claws had grown out. He was fully covered in scales, his ears having grown longer and his teeth now at least three times their original size. His eyes were sharper towards the edges and now had glowing red irises.

"Astro?" Eren asked, more cautiously as he slowly approached the dog. He was in his demon form and was extremely dangerous. Astro had never attacked him before, but he always had to be careful. After all, he was a demon. Astro continued snarling at the door, clawing at the bottom of it and trying to bite it.

"Astro, knock it off." Eren said, taking a small step towards the demon. "Astro, you're scaring me." He added. Astro stopped his actions, turning and looking at Eren. Eren froze, scared to think that he might have said the wrong thing. But when Astro's fur grew back and he returned to normal, he knew he was safe. Astro padded over and pressed his face into Eren's legs, whimpering softly.

"It's okay boy." Eren said, kneeling down and stroking his head. Astro laid his head on Eren's shoulder and they stayed like that for a few minutes until Eren realized it was getting dark.

"Come on, let's go to bed." Eren said, standing up. He walked down the hall, Astro on his heels, then up the stairs and to their room. They walked in the room, closing the door behind them and Eren walked over to his box. He pulled out some pajamas and quickly changed into them before hopping onto the bed and getting comfortable under the covers. Astro laid on the foot on his bed, directly on his feet, but Eren found comfort in that.

A few hours of just laying there past and the moon was high in the sky, casting a small glow into the room. Eren had his eyes closed, just about to go to sleep when he heard footsteps outside his room. His eyes shot open and darted over to the door, listening intently as the small footsteps ran up and down the hall.

He thought it was Astro because he was no longer on the bed. Eren clutched the blankets, pulling them up and over his chin as the footsteps ran past his room once more.

"Astro?" Eren whispered. Astro stood up from the floor right next to him and looked up at him. Eren's eyes widened as his wing twitched next to him. "Did you hear that?" He whispered. Astro walked over to the door and sniffed at the crack at the bottom. He let out a huff, then walked back over to Eren. He nudged Eren's elbow under the blanket, then bit into said blanket and gave it a little tug.

"No way am I going out there." Eren whispered sharply. Astro rolled his eyes, giving the blanket another tug. "Fine! But if we die tonight, I'm blaming you." He said and swung his feet out of the bed. Astro walked over to the door and waited patiently as Eren dug around in his box. Finding nothing good enough to be a weapon, he just walked over to Astro.

The footsteps sprinted past his door and down the stairs, making them creak and he heard them run down the hall down stairs.

"No, no, no! I'm out!" Eren whispered. Astro spun around, jumped up and grabbed the end of his shirt between his teeth, giving Eren 'The Look'.

"No! Even you heard that, and that's creepy as a graveyard at night on a full moon covered in fog!" Eren hissed. Astro narrowed his eyes, let go of the shirt and transformed into his demon form. Eren actually found comfort in that. "Fine, but if there's anything creepy going on, we're booking it." Eren said and Astro gave a little nod. Slowly, Eren reached out and opened the door and Astro peeked into the hallway. When he stepped out, declaring it was safe, Eren followed his lead. Astro walked down the stairs, Eren close behind, the stairs creaking under their weight. Eren checked the front door, finding it still locked, so he and Astro walked down the hall towards the other rooms.

Well, they were going to if they hadn't seen the basement door wide open. Eren and Astro both froze as they stared at the door. Slowly, they watched as a head poked around the corner. It had long, black hair, and blood. Blood was covering the figure. And it's eyes. It's eyes were glowing a demonic red.

Eren let out a choked whimper, grabbing the red collar around Astro's neck and bolting up the stairs. As the two of them ran, they heard footsteps right behind them. The sound seemed to ring in Eren's ears as he ran into his room. He yanked Astro in and right before he slammed the door, he saw a flash of a large, toothy grin and glowing red eyes. He slammed the door, jumping up and locking it then scrambling back to his bed.

He jumped under the covers, Astro jumping up with him and laying over him on the covers, never losing his demon form. As they laid there, Eren was forced to listen to the running up and down the halls, the occasional scrape across his door like someone was dragging claws across it or even listening to heavy breathing or whispering. It was safe to say Eren and Astro didn't get a wink of sleep that night.

So, how was it? (By the way, I can write way better horror than this) Anyways, much Ereri love to you all and love you guys!!!

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