Chapter 25

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Here it is! Read on!

Eren was admitted into the hospital and was unable to see visitors for two weeks. Two weeks later, he was anxious to see everyone. Including Astro who had been held back from seeing him.

"Are you ready? They're out in the waiting room." Nurse Cathy explained with a gentle smile. Eren fiddled with the soft yellow hospital blanket, nodding his head slightly. She nodded, walking out of the room. He took deep breaths to prepare him for what was about to come. He knew they would have questions and want answers, but they would have to be patient with him. Really patient.

The door was slowly opened a few moments later and Mikasa poked her head into the room along with Armin. Eren felt his heart swell at the sight of them.

"Oh my God, Eren." Mikasa gasped, running into the room. She threw her arms around him in a gentle hug and began crying."It's fine Mikasa, I'm fine." He assured her, rubbing her back even though he felt his eyes water just a little bit. She nodded, then stepped away as Armin hugged him, explaining how much he missed Eren and how worried he was. Hanji was next, screaming and sobbing loudly, fogging up her goggles in the process. Connie was next to explode sparkles and balloon everywhere, making Mikasa snap at him. Marco gave him flowers and a soft hug, Jean gave him a pat on the back and a card Marco made him buy. Erwin gave him a hug and a teddy bear (with super Erwin eyebrows Hanji sewed on) and Petra gave him some flowers as well. Sasha gave him a potato. Keeping it classy Sasha.

"Hey, brat." Levi said as he stood next to Eren's bed.

"Hey, Levi." Eren said, giving a small wave. Levi rolled his eyes, leaning over and wrapping his arms around Eren. They all heard as his heart stuttered through his heart monitor. Hanji squealed, giggling about something when that happened.

"Everyone was so worried! You should've seen them!" Connie laughed as Levi pulled away, but secretly slipped his hand into Eren's. "And Jean's face-"

"Like your's was any better! You were crying!" Jean snapped.

"I was not! You were! You horse faced weirdo!" Connie yelled back. They began bickering and somehow, no one really knows how, Connie ended up on top of a table and Jean fell off a chair, Marco rushing to his side.

"Hah! Idio-" Connie was cut off as he fell, landing right on Jean. Eren snorted a laugh from his hospital bed, bringing a smile to all the faces in the room.

"Aww! That was adorable!!" Hanji squealed, pinching Eren's cheeks and tugging on them. Eren pouted, pushing her hands away as Levi slapped her wrist. "Oh, someone's getting protective!" Hanji giggled, nudging Petra's shoulder.

"I think it's cute." Petra shrugged, giving a wink to Eren. Eren blushed furiously, hiding his face behind his hand as Levi gave his occupied hand a squeeze.

"So, you get released in a couple days, right?" Erwin asked, bringing them off the topic. Eren nodded in response, feeling a smile tugging at his lips.

"Couldn't stand it here any longer. They have horrible food." He said, pulling a disgusted face. Erwin gave a hearty laugh, grinning at the brunet.

"You know, someone's been waiting to see you. He's still recovering but he insisted." Petra said and Eren's face lit up in a smile. She walked in the room and on a leash was in Astro. Astro gave a happy yip as he saw Eren, tugging against the leash to get to him. Eren opened his arms and Astro jumped on the bed and into Eren's arms, licking at his face, hands and everywhere.

"Oh God, I thought he killed you." Eren whispered, hugging Astro and burying his face into his fur. Astro gave a small whimper, nudging his face into Eren's shoulder and wagging his tail softly.

"Still a better love story than Twilight." Hanji whispered, making Petra giggle. A few hours later and they were all talking with a comfortable tone.

"So, what happened while I was gone?" Eren asked, sitting with his legs crossed now and Astro sprawled across his lap.

"Jean and Marco got together!!" Hanji yelled, pointing at the two Marco's freckled face lit up like a cherry as Jean smirked proudly, draping his arm across Marco's shoulders.

"That's awesome guys. Freckled Jesus and Horseface finally got together." Eren nodded, making Jean scowl at him. Not much had happened while Eren was away, just Jean and Marco getting together and then discovering a few things about the mortal world.

"I know this is more than a touchy topic but," Jean started with the question everyone was wanting to ask. "What happened?"

Was that really short too or is it just me? I think my word count is messing up because everything is always 801 words and it's not really getting any higher. Anyways, that's all. Much Ereri love to you all and I love you guys!!

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