10. Olivia Eckle

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You will not believe what I just found out. I can't believe it, the guy I've been crushing on is in a relationship? With another guy?

I thought that we had something going for us. Apparently not, he's taken. Why does the world have to be so cruel. All the hot, nice guys are either taken or gay.

So this is how I found out.

*skip to the start of the day*


"Ok Class, pick a partner and write all of the facts you can think of from Ancient Greece." Mrs. Hault said. Fugde, I didn't do my homework, hopefully my best friend did.

"Hey Olivia, do you want to work together?" Speaking of my best friend. Nico Di Angelo, the hottest guy in school, my best friend. And hopefully my future husband.

"Sure Nico." After that it was just plain old boring class.


"Ok everyone, no homework for those who finished the worksheet." Mrs. Hault tells the class. Thank god we finished.

"Hey Nico, I was wondering if you would go out with me?" Jessica did not just ask out my man! I thought we were friends. Of course I didn't tell her that I liked him, but I thought she would at least know.

I mean he's all we talk about, so yeah. She should've figured it out by herself.

"I'm sorry Jessica, but I'm not interested." That's right Nico, you and Jessica don't belong together. I can't help but think of our future together.

We will get married on the 21 of May, when we're 22, and will go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. We will be there for one week, then we will come back. Two weeks later I should find out that I'm pregnant with our first child. We will have three children.

I plan stuff ahead of time, just so that nothing will go wrong. I already paid for everything.

*end of the day*
I walk out at the end of the day, time to ask Nico out.

I look around for him and see him standing under the really big tree in the front of the school. I go over and tap his shoulder.

"Oh, hi Olivia." Nico says after he saw it was me. "Do you need anything?" You to say you love me.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Well, ask away." Ok this is harder than I thought. I mean yeah, I know he will most definitely say yes, so why do I have this weird feeling in my stomach?

"I was wondering if-" I never got to finish my question. Their was a huge van in the parking lot, right in front of us.

Out came 2 girls and 1 guy. The guy was hot, and the girls were gorgeous.

One of the girls had brown hair, and her eyes kept changing color. The next girl had blonde hair that was curly, with grey eyes. I was jealous, they had to be beautiful. And they know Nico!

They both ran up to him and gave him a huge hug, saying how much they missed him. They better not date him. I mean seriously, I bet the brown haired one is a whore and the blonde is a dumbie.

"Hey guys, it's nice to see you." Nico says to them and then looks up at the guy. He walks over to him and... wait what?

No no no no, this can not be happening. Nico is in a relationship with another guy? Here I thought that he liked me when he isn't even attracted to girls.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet my friend Olivia. Olivia meet Piper, Annabeth, and my boyfriend Will." They all walked away after saying hi and nice to meet you. Annabeth stated on how they still have to pick up, Percy and Jason. Whoever they are.

I guess somethings are just not meant to be I thought while watching them walk away, Nico and Will joking around about doctor's orders.

It's solangelo!!!! lol this girl had something wrong with her head, who pays for a wedding 5 or something years before it actually happens?

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