2. Taylor Olsen

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percabeth (part 2 from Emily)

I hate Mondays. Is what I thought of when I walk into school. Who in the world even likes Mondays?

Anyway, my name is Taylor and I believe that I'm pretty. I have light brown hair, blue eyes, and I'm 5'5.
I'm not gorgeous, but I'm pretty

I approach my locker and open it up, seeing a picture of all my friends.

I have a small group of friends, there's, Ethan, Emily, and Percy. Ethan and Emily are dating, and I just hope that me and Percy will start dating.

You see Percy is my best friend, and I just have the biggest crush on him. He has black hair that I just want to run my fingers through, green eyes that I always get lost in, and a lean, muscular body.

"Hey Taylor." A voice says, making me jump.

"Emily, what the heck. Don't do that."

"Sorry. Hey, did you her we have a new student."

"No, hey I need to tell you something."


"Today at lunch I'm gonna ask Percy out."

She gave me a look that I couldn't make out, pity, sympathy? I don't know.

"Taylor, I don't think you should ask him out."

"Why not?"

"Just don't."

Does she like Percy to? Well I hope not, because me and Percy are gonna go out.

"Look I have to show the new girl around, ok bye." I said while walking away.

I walk into the office to see the new girl and instantly jealous. She's gorgeous. Blonde hair, grey eyes, and an athletic figure.

"Hi I'm Taylor, you must be the new girl?"

"Hi I'm Annabeth, and yeah I'm the new girl."

So with that I show her around and it turns out we have all of our morning class together, and one in the afternoon together. That's the one class I have with Percy.

"Hey come and sit by my friends."


We walk over to my friends and sit down. All the talking has stopped and all eyes are on Annabeth.

"Wisegirl, your here." Percy said getting up and hugging annabeth. Do they know each other? I'm guessing, but how?

My question was answered for me when Percy kissed her. I felt my eyes water. I got up quickly and ran to the bathroom.

Once I got there, I burst into tears. I heard the door open and saw feet in front of my stall.

"Go away."

"I'm sorry, that I didn't tell you earlier, Taylor."

"It's ok."

I guess my hopes were useless.
All done with this chapter. Till next time.

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