So for this one I wanted to do something longer so it won't be like oh this and this and then suddenly heartbroken or it was nice to meet you. So enjoy.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. I can do this, I won't fail. I can do it, I won't chicken out of this.
The whistle blew and everyone ran towards the middle where all of the balls were. All in a straight line down the center of the gym, colored in purple and white. Why? They must have only wanted school colored balls. Not rainbow balls. Nope none.
I ran towards the ball that was right in front of me, a clear path. For a minute I think I can actually do it, I can get a ball at the start of the game. Then I look to see the person who is coming straight at me for the same reason. To get the ball and get a point for their team. There is only one difference, that person is Percy Jackson. One of the most popular people here and will definitely beat me at this game.
I stop and run the other way. No way am I going up against Percy. He's got the muscles, I've got lanky, no good, arms.
I tripped over my feet and my glasses fell off my face. No I did not get on my knees and look for it like they do in the movies. I can still see them on the ground and they don't appear to be broken. I put them on and check nope not broken.
One thing about me, I have some pretty bad luck. Yeah some people have it worse than me, but my luck sucks when it comes to anything gyn related. Just to prove what I just said, right when I turn towards the actual game. I get hit in the stomach right above the no-no area. Ok well at least I have a little luck.
I look up and see Percy mouth the word sorry at me. I wave him off and go to sit down on the bench. Well looks like I'm not going back into the game. Looks like I chickened out too, again.
"Hey at least you lasted linger than me this time." My friend Jake told me.
"Oh yes, but who got you out?"
"Danny, who got you out?" He asks me. Well he still got the better deal.
If you're confused then you must not play it like our school does. They like to have games keep going. So in dogdeball, when the person who gets you out gets out, you get back in.
"Percy, I'm never getting back in." He looks at me with pity.
"Oh sorry about that." Then he got to go in, because Danny just got out.
When the bell rings I look up from my shoes and head towards the boys locker rooms. I hate going in here, it smells like sweat and it always makes me feel self conscious.(?)
I'm not wimpy, but I'm not strong either, more like that awkward stage in between. I'm just average, I guess. And seeing that the most athletic boys seem to be in my gym class just makes it worst. They all have the muscles that any guy wants. I try to work out, but everytime I start, I just can't seem to get into it. I mean food and my couch just looks to addicting.
"Hey I need a ride do you think you can give me a ride?" Jake asks me.
"Yeah, I just need to go get my phone that I left in Mr. Porter's class." I tell him.
"Uhhh how the heck do you forget your phone?" He looks ag me like I'm stupid.
"It was charging ok? Just because I have good grades doesn't mean I'm smart. I just do my work and somehow do good on tests. I don't really try." I tell him as I sruggle with my stupid shoes.
"I wish we would've played duck, duck, gray duck instead." He did not just say that.
"Why would you want to play that?"

mortals meet percabeth
Fanficsee and find out how mortals meet percabeth or you know demigods can meet them too. I DO NOT OWN ANY PJO/HOO CHARACTER, THEY BELONG TO RICK