20.) Percy Jackson and Co.

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It all started when we found a weird device in the woods. Then me being me, decided lets try it out. Won't it be fun? Well I mean it was, but it could have been worse.

Now your probably thinking Percy why would you try it out if you didn't know what it is?  The answer, I don't always think things through.  Then again I'm pretty sure everone knows that.

Here's what happened.

~back to when it happened~

"Grover why did you want us to follow you?" I asked him. I have probably been hit by five branches and one Annabeth Chase since we have entered the woods.

"I told you I saw something." He answered back.

"What did this thing look like?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know, but it was like a box with this lever. Kind of like a game controller, but the lever is connected to the box. Think of the gamecube with a lever." He explained.

"What is a gamecube?" I asked.

"Uhhh a gaming device? It was before the wii." Grover said. Oh.

"Is that it?" Annabeth asked pointing to a game like thing.

"Yeah, I saw it fall from somewhere." Grover looked up. "But from where?"

"What do you think it does?" Annabeth asks. I look at the device and pick it up.

"I mean we could try it out." I say. They look at me like I'm crazy. "What?"

"Percy what if it's a bomb? Or a thing that will electrify you? "Grover asks.

"Yeah Percy it's not the best idea. " Annabeth said. Too late I already grbbed the lever and yanked it to the right.

"Nothing happened." I said. Then suddenly a hole formed under us and we all fell in to it.

"Percy if we live I will kill you" Annabeth screamed. 

"Hey! Don't blame me I was curious."  I yelled back.

"Shut up, I think I see the bottom" Grover yelled back at us.

Right after that I land on a wooden surface and when I try to get up I get pushed down by a weight.

"Uhhh Grover can you get off me?" Annabeth asks."

"Yeah. Oh uh hi."he says.

We all get up and see that we are on a table. I look over to where Grover is looking and see a guy that kinda has elfish features. He stared at us like we came out if nowhere. Which I guess we kinda did.

"Uhh who the hades are you? Actually you all kinda look familiar." The guy says.

"Uhh thanks? Annabeth answered back. She looked really uncomfortable.

"I know this is weird, but I should introduce myself. My name is Leo and I'm a son of Hephaestus." Leo told us.

I looked at the other two and saw that they were to shocked to say anything so I spoke up.

"Hi Leo well that is Grover, that is Annabeth, daughter of Athena, and I'm percy son of Poseidon." I told him.

"Impossible, I just saw you like ten minutes ago." Leo said. "And you were definitely not 13 years old."

"What do you mean? Where are we?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh your on my ship, I made it myself." He stated proudley. 

A blond guy came in and went to a frigde and pulled out a water bottle. "Hi leo."

"Jason look who it is." Leo pointed at us. The blue eyed guy looked at us and then his eues widened and he ran out of the room.

"Well that was kind of rude." Leo said.

I looked at Annabeth and she shrugged. How did we get here?

Suddenly a lot of people came into the room and they all looked at us.

I raised my hand and waved. "Hi."

Someone who looked like me raised their hand and did the same thing. "Hi."

"Hi I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena." She held her hand out to shake his hand.

"I know who you are and you and you." He said pointing at me then Grover.

"Uhh how?" Grover said.

"Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Piper and I'm a daughter of Aphrodite." A girl with pretty eyes said.

"I'm Frank and I'm a son of Mars." A tall dude said.

"Wait like the Roman form of Ares?" Annabeth asked.


"Okay, but I didn't think they existed." Annabeth said.

"Well they do and I'm Hazel daughter of Pluto."

"I'm Jason son of Jupitor." The blond from earlier said.

"I'm Nico, son of Hades." A boy with black clothes said.

"Uhh so this is kimd of awkward, I'm percy amd that is Annabeth from this time." The one that looked like me said.

"Uhh no that's impossible." Annabeth said. I looked around maybe it's not as impossible as we think.

"Wait what about that thing?" Grover asked.

"Uhh what thing?" Piper asked.

"This thing." I held it up.

"That looks familiar." Future Annabeth says.

"It's what brought us here." Grover said.

"How are we gonna get back?" Ammabeth asks.

"I could play around with it?" Leo says.

"Sure." I hand it to him and he leaves the room.

After that we all kind of just stand there.

"So when do you two start dating?" Piper asks future us.

My Annabeth gasped "What?"

"You guys date in the future." Hazel says.

Annabeth's cheeks burn bright red and I can tell mine are probably the same.

"Guys stop." Future me says.

"What you guys are so cute." Piper says. "Look at you." She points at us.

Leo barges in and yells how he figured it out.

"You push the lever the oppisite way to go back." He hands it back to me. "But you probably won't remeber this at all."

"Wait why?" I ask.

" It says on the label on the bottom." He states.


"Ok well bye."

I pulled the lever and we all fell through the hole again.

"Hey guys why are we in the forest?"Annabeth asks.

I shrug my shoulders. I don't remember at all.

"Hey we should go before we miss dinner." Annabeth says. We all agree to just forget about it and ran back to camp.

   ~back to the future~

"Do you think that happened to us wisegirl?" I ask.

"I don't know but there is a chance if we didn't remember like Leo said." She answers.

"Now I want to know." I say.

"I know you do." She tells me. We both look at each other and laugh.

That's the end of this chapter. Hopefully it's ok?

I also feel like I forgot something but oh well. What am I gonna do about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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