11. Aria Peterson

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Ok so this is kinda like a continuation of the last one. You remember how a
Annabeth and Piper were takling about how they need to pick up Percy and Jason?


Well this is it.

Hi there, I'm Aria and I think I'm in love with Percy freaking Jackson. No not think, I know. 

You see he's not like your typical jock, oh no. He may be hot, but he is completely loyal.

He has these eyes that you get lost in. Raven black hair that you just want to run your fingers through. He has the brightest smile that will just bright up your whole day. He has these muscular arms that you just want to be wrapped up in. He makes me feel safe whenever I'm around him.

He's also so adorable, like right now he has this confused face on, like he's thinking of something that doesn't make sense. Then there's his just as hot cousin Jason, but in my opinion Percy's hotter.

My best friend Clair has the biggest crush on Jason. This past weekend we made a plan to ask them out. We also already know that we are gonna go to the upcoming winter ball with them, hopefully.

"Hey, you ready for that big test in history today?" I look up and see Jason Grace, captain of the basketball team. Did I mention at all that I was like best friends with Percy and Jason? No. Well I am, I know all of their secrets.

"No, I didn't even study last night." I'm gonna fail this test big time.
"Dang I got a 39 out of 45 on that test. I say I did good." I got a B on the test. I didn't even study for that test, I'm proud of myself. I looked over at my partners test and see that he got a 43 out of 45. Dang it.

Why do I have to be so dumb?
"You guys ready to meet some of our camp friends?" Percy asked us.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Clair said, not so excited. She just got interrupted, she was gonna ask out Jason. I was gonna ask Percy, but he seems to be avoiding me.

Suddenly, I heard a screech and look at the parking lot to see a van pull up to the curb. The door creaked open and out came a blonde dude. He had tan skin, tall, and was muscular. He was holding hands with this emo looking guy,  who was really pale. Like he didn't look healthy pale.

Then after him, came out two girls. They were gorgeous. One girl had brown hair that was in a braid with a feather in it. Her eyes kept on changing color. Blue to green to hazel. The other girl had curly blond hair that went to her waist. Her eyes were a stormy grey.

I was jealous. Why couldn't I look like them? I work out  at least four times a week, but yet, I still have a little chubby stomach with my big thighs. No muscles. None. Zero.   Cero. They had muscles in their arms, legs. Flat stomachs too.

Then I saw what they were wearing. The brown haired chick had on converse, torn up skinny jeans, and a goode basketball hoodie on. The blond had tan uggs, leggings, and a goode swimming hoodie on. 

"Clair, Aria meet Nico," Percy pointed to emo dude,"Will," the blonde guy,"Piper," the girl whose eyes changes,"and Annabeth." The really pretty blond. 

Then Clair said "why are they whering your hoodies?" Pointing at Piper and Annabeth. Then I saw what she meant, the back of the hoodies said 'Grace' or 'Jackson'.

"Yeah well." Jason said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Piper is my girlfriend and Annabeth is Percy's girlfriend."

What, no. This can't be happening. The only reason I workrd this hard to get him to actually notice me, was because I thought we actually had something. This is so embarrassing. 

"Well it was really nice to meet you, but Aria and I need to go to the library. Bye." Clair said, grabbing my arm and dragging me away. I watched as the couples hugged each other and kissed.

Why couldn't he just like me?

This week has been so busy for me. I had tons of reading and homework to do. Then I also had to study for the tons of tests I have coming up pretty soon. Uggg.

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