16. Tessa Waters

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"Can everyone please take your seats?" Mrs Overles asks the class. "Ok thank you, now I will call out your name and please say here."

I kind of drift off into space when suddenly "Tessa Waters."

"Here." I raise my hand so she can see me. She nods at me, and I drop my hand.

So hi my name is Tessa and I'm in my senior year of high school. I can't wait for graduation, even though it's only october. I can't help it, I want to travel around America, go to every state. Maybe bring my crush with me.

I have dirty blond curly hair and brown eyes, yeah I'm pretty plain, but I have been told that I'm pretty.

Now onto my crush. My crush is someone who is super athletic, which is why I'm scared to talk to them, amd by talk to them, tell them how I feel. You see I'm the definition of a nerd. I have a Harry Potter bedset, every single movie of star wars. With all of that I have these huge thick black glasses.

Now the reason I won't tell you who my crush is, is because I don't trust you. Well not yet anyway. I'll probably tell you in a bit. I mean I'm pretty sure they know I like them.

Also I'm like best friends with my crush, which is way worse, because if I mess up. Well let's just say that would be akward if they don't return my feelings.

"Ms Waters, can you please tell me the answer to the question on the boeed please?" Mrs Overles smirks. She knew I wasn't paying attention. She is probably the only teacher that hates me and I don't even know why. Yeah, she gives me the right grade, but I think if she could she would just fail me.

"X is 36, Mrs. Overles." I answer her.

"Yes thank you, Ms. Waters, but next time please pay attention." Everybody around me snickered. Ok I'm also not the most popular person in the school.

~skip to lunch~

"Ok so Tessa, do you want to go to the movies with my friends and I? I think yoh would really like them." My crush asks me.

"Yeah sure sounds fun." Oh my gosh, can they tell that I like them? Why does those eyes look so captivating?

Ok so I have decided to tell you who my crush is. I feel that I can trust you enough with my biggest secret.

I have a crush on, drum roll please...

Annabeth Chase.

What, don't look at me like that. I never said I never liked guys. Actually I don't like them, no matter how hard I try, I can bot physically or mentally be attracted to the male population.

"Ok, do you want to come to my house after school?" She takes a bite out of her burger.

"Yeah, meet me by my locker." I reply back. Now I think she likes me back. I mean she turns down every single guy who asks her out.

Plus, she wants me to meet her other friends. That has got to mean something, right?

"See you later." She tells me and then stands up to dump her tray.

I can't help but sigh. What if I'm reading this wrong? What if she doesn't actually like me?

Shut up Tessa, of course she likes you. I just can't help but doubt that.

~after school~

"Hey, you ready to go?" Annabeth came up to me.

"Yeah." I tell her.

"Do you think we can go to my house so I can change? I accidentally spilled something on me at lunch and it stained my pants and sweatshirt." Annabeth asked.

"Yeah sure." So with that she leads me out to her car.

"Nice car." I tell her. "Its clean, nothing like my sister's." Usually I get a ride from my slut of a sister to school. She's in college and will sleep with any guy. I refuse to sit in the back because, well I think you know why.

"Thanks, I cleaned it yesterday." She tells me.

The rest of the ride to her house was silent, the radio was the only noise you heard in the car.

Actually that was her ipod.

"Hey sorry if you don't like this kind of music, but my friend left it here, and I've been listening to it." She tells me watching the road.

"Oh its fine I like this song."

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

The rest of the ride was like that, tons of green day songs appearing, along with P!atd, Fob, and Mcr.

Once we arrived, we walked in and went upstairs to her room.

"Ok you can just sit here while I get dressed." She tells me disappearing onto her closet.

A few minutes she comes out in skinny jeans, sweatshirt, and black converse.

"Ok ready to go." As she said that there was a honk in the distance.

"What was that?"

"My friends, oh yeah, forgot to tell you, my friends are picking us up."

"Ok." Great, now we won't be alone again.

I walk into the really big car to see four people and one spot left to sit.

"Ok, sorry I know that there's a seat missing, but my dad said that I couldn't get the bigger car." A pretty brown haired girl said.

"That's ok Piper, I'll just sit on Percy's lap." Annabeth said. Who's percy? Oh, that's who. Percy is a nice looking boy with muscles and a white teeth smile, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He also has this scar above lip. I bet he likes Annabeth, but to bad for him, she likes me

"Ok Tessa, this is Thalia." She points at this emo fifteen year old looking girl with spiky black hair. "This is Piper." She points at the brunette from earlier. "This is Jason." She points at a blonde haired boy. "Then finally this is Percy." Oops, I thought that Jason was Percy.

"He's my boyfriend." She adds. With those three words, my world comes crashing down. I just need to get done with this night and then everything will be alright.

"Hi nice to meet you all." I smile at them politely. Climbing in after Annabeth, I shut the door and sit still. I try my best not to stare at Annabeth sitting on Percy's lap.

After that, I had a good time. I also met my girlfriend Ashley. She goes to this all girls school and is an outcast there. Except next year she's coming to my school. So yeah, I don't regret going out with them, because I met my girlfriend that night. Plus I got over Annabeth.

So... *cough*

Hope you all like this one. Someone a few chapters back requested this so here you go.

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