14. Sally Jackson

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"Paul hurry up, go faster." I tell my husband, acting like a child who always says are we there yet. You see I'm excited, we are going to camp half-blood to pick up Percy and some of his friends.

"I'm already going over the speed limit Sally, I can't go any faster." Paul answered back.

"Ok ok sorry." I tell him.

I lay my head back onto the seat and  look out the window, watching the land move past. It's been two weeks since the second titan war, and I  haven't seen my son since. I didn't even get to see him after the war. Sure I talked to him once, but I had the feeling that he wasn't telling me something.

What is it that he's keeping from me? It's nothing bad, right? Hopefully not.

"We're here." Paul said parking the car at the bottom of the hill. I look up to the big tree and see four teens. Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia.  They are all coming to our house for a few days.

"Mom, can we order pizza when we get home?" Percy asks me, climbing into the car. Once everyone is in the car is when I amswer him.

"I suppose we canget pizza. What kind?" I ask. I hear someone scream pepporoni, another say sausage, another said olives and pepporoni.  Then Percy said whatever Annabeth wants. Oh, look Percy already knows not to fight with a girl.

So on the way to the apartment, we stop at a pizza place. I go in and order four pizzas. I wait for the one pizza that took forever and I leave,  going back to the car.

"So what movie should we watch tonight?" Nico asks the others. A lot of I don't knows and a scary one are said.

"Something with action in it, no romance movis at all." Thalia said.

"A comedy." Percy said.

"Really? No Finding Nemo?" Thalia asked gasping. Then she went on saying how something is not right and made sure he wasn't sick. I mean it is pretty normal for him to want to watch something like Finding Nemo.

"Yes Thalia. I want a change in my life." Percy said, then to prove on how mature he is, stuck his tounge out at her.

"Ok whatever, I was just surprised is all." Thalia said.


Once we all got home the teenagers went and got set up for the night, taking the pizzas out of my hands and running to the living room.

Paul and I went to our room for the night and watched random stuff on tv for a hour or so. I fell asleep around the middle of the show.

At around three in the morning I had to get up to go to the bathroom. I hate waking in the middle of the night for nothing.

After finishing my business, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The tv was still on in the living room, but it was just the movie menu.

I went into the room to turn it off, when I saw two people on the floor and two on the couch.

Thalia and Nico are both laying on the ground and seem to be kicking each other. It went on like that until Nico finally just moved away from her.

The two people on the couch were cuddling or I think they are at least. Maybe they didn't fall asleep in this position, but they are in it now. Percy was laying on his back with Annabeth on his chest. I know most people would think differently, but I think more scared of having Annabeth fall off of the couch, then what others would think of.

Anyway, I couldn't help but think that they look so cute. Then I noticed they don't have a blanket on them. So I went to the closet and got out an extra one we keep around and put it on the both of them. Then I went to sleep.


I woke up to a crash in the kitchen. Oh my gods what did those teenagers do. Did they break my favorite mug? They better haven't.

I walk down the hall toward the kitchen to see what woke me up. I look in the kitchen to see water everywhere. And there was also a plate or two broken on the floor.

What? How in the world?

Then I see Percy and Annabeth standing there in the kitchen. Annabeth completely soaked, and they're kissing.

I don't know if I should be mad or glad. Mad, because of the mess. Glad, because they finally got together.

"So what happened here?" I ask them, walking fully into the room. They jumped apart and just stare at me. Haven't anyone ever told them it's not nice to stare.

"Uhh, hi Mom. I sorta tripped and broke some plates." Percy said.

"How did the water get here?"

"The water jug." He pointed at the plastic thing that was once filled with water.

"How did the water get all over Annabeth?"

"She slipped." Annabeth hit and said something about how he poured it onto her.

"Why were you kissing Annabeth?"

"We're dating?"

"When were you planning on telling me?"

"Later today at the restaurant."


Annabeth kinda just stood there akwardly.

"Aww happy you guys finally got together."

"Thanks Ms. Jackson." Annabeth said.

"Call me Sally, dear."

"Ok Ms. J- Sally." She'll get used to it.


"Yes Mom."

"Clean up the mess, please."
You know this is actually harder, doning someone that existsin the story, one that you don't create yourself.

Hopefully you all have a great new year. See yeah (next year)

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