12. Brenna Miller

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"Yeah!" The whole class screamed as one of the most popular girls threw a piece of paper from the back of the room into the garbage can. Which is way in the front, for your information.

Oh yeah, let me introduce myself. My name is Brenna and I'm what you would call a nerd. I have long straight blond hair with these big black glasses. I'm not the skinniest, but I'm not the fattest either. Now I'm pretty sure you all know the rules of highschool, but if you don't, here they are.

1.) All nerds must hang out with nerds.

2.) All popular people must hang out with popular people.

3.) You must know your place.

4.) There must always be that cliché jerk and queen of the school.

(An- I just made them up)

Ok well they aren't really spoken, but everybody just kinda follows them. It's not like the rules are printed out in the student guide book.

The king of this school is the swim captain Percy Jackson. He's the hottest guy in our school. Everybody loves him, except for the teachers and me. He seems to perfect.

I bet he comes from a nice family, one that's rich. With a father and mother. Maybe a younger sister. He probably has had a easy life so far. He's most likely spoiled, gets whatever he wants.

Ok maybe not everything of those, but a few. I just don't really like him. He turns every girl down, giving every girl a game. The game is to get Percy Jackson to fall in love with you.

Now don't start thinking that this is gonna be like one of those cliché books about the nerd and mysterious hot guy.

I mean Percy isn't even here, i bet he's skipping this class. Everybody knows he hates english class, but he seems to love Mr. Blofis.

Mr. Blofis is probably the best teacher in this school. He's everybody's favorite, so I completely understand why Percy would like him. The most wierdest thing though is that Percy seems to be one of his favorites.

I hear the door creak open and in comes the troublemaker himself. I hear other girls saying that Shelby is gonna ask him out. Whoopie, another girl to get her heart broken by Percy. Shelby is so sweet and nice, I don't see how he would have the heart to turn her down.

I look back at him to see him talking to the teacher. Mr. Blofis nods and goes back to work. Percy walks to the back of the room and sits down by his friend Travis. Both of them start talking about a camp. What? Why are they talking about a camp? In the middle of March.

The rest of school was really boring and then it was the end of the day. I walked out into the front of the school, and tried to find somewhere to sit. I looked around and saw a pretty blond sitting at one bench, reading a book.

"Uhh hi, sorry to interupt you, but is it ok if I sat here?" I ask her afrer I walk up to her. She looks up and smiles at me.

"Yeah, go ahead." She says, closing her book. I sit down, putting my backpack down by my feet. "So what's your name?"

" Brenna. Brenna Miller." I say holding out my hand.

She puts her hand into mine and shakes it saying, "Annabeth. Annabeth Chase."

"So what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?" I don't believe she goes here, but she could just be a new student.

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend." She says looking at the school doors.

"Oh who are they, I might know them?" I ask her.

"Oh his name is Pe- oof." She got cut off by someone sitting on her. This someone being Percy Jackson. Why is he here and why is he sitting on her. Can she breath?

"Wisegirl, guess what." Percy said looking really excited.

"Ahh Percy get off, you're not exactly little you know." Annabeth said hitting him in the back. Percy got up, rubbing his back.

"Ok I get it, geesh. Anyway guess what?" Percy said.


"I got a A- on my english test." Percy said, looking prowd of himself.

"Yay, better than your last one." Annabeth said. I'm just sitting here watching there extange like a creepy person. I also want to know who she is dating.

"Oh hi Brenna. I see that you met my girlfriend already." Percy said to me. Oh, so this is the reason why he always turned down girls. Now I feel really bad.

"Hi Percy, yeah we were just talking." I tell him back.

"Ok well we better get going, I told Sally that we would help her clean the house." Annabeth said. Percy groaned at this and muttered something along the lines of how his mom must love Annabeth more than she loves him.

They both waved at me and walked away. They were saying on how this weekend they would watch all of the Harry Potter movies.

Well now I've learned my lesson. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

The next year, Annabeth came to goode and we became good friends. So did Percy amd I. I also learned that Mr. Blofis was Percy's stepfather.

Ok guys those rules were made up. They do not exist. My school is not like that at ALL. So if it offended you I am really sorry.

On other terms, Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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