Chapter 1-

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Chapter 1-

Liam's pov- "Hi I was wondering if you could help me?", I asked the front desk lady by the name of Megan. "Sure how may I help you then?", she asked. "This", I said handing over the piece of paper with a map. "Ah your the one of the four of the new dental department. Am I right?", she questioned whilst looking thorough the top of her glasses. "Yep, I'm the dentist". "Okay cool it's simple actually, follow me", she said walking out from behind the desks and down the hall. "Right here, I believe yous are setting up the room?", she asked showing me a empty room next to the school nurse. "Yeah we are, thank you for showing me the way", I thanked Megan. "Oh and the staff room is down this same hall on the left", she reminded me before singing out see you at lunch.

Right now all the students where in class and during that time we had to get the dental room set up. I pulled out my phone bringing up the group message between Louis, Harry, Niall and myself. Where are you guys, I wrote still waiting for them to show up. Parking lot Louis replied straightaway, same wrote Harry, where I can't see yous wrote Niall. In our reserved parking next to the teachers Harry wrote, we have reserved parking? Both Niall and I wrote. I soon walked back out to the parking lot where we all met. "Okay so I have the room sorted, all we have to do is get it set up", I told all 3 of the boys. "Lets do this", Niall said clapping his hands together and collecting some of the many boxes.

Louis pov- grabbing the last couple of boxes I headed off inside but couldn't seem to get through the doors. "Could you get the door for me?", I asked one of the students walking through. "Sure", she said holding the door for me. "Thanks a lot", I said trying to get to the room as fast as I could. "These are the last 3 boxes", I huffed out exhausted from all the moving around. The office was starting to look a lot like a dentist office, great. There's two separate rooms, 1 for Liam and Harry, Liam's the dentist and Harry's the assistant. And the other room for Niall and i, Niall's the orthodontist and I'm his assistant.

"Well Niall and i are going to head off to collect all the tools we need. We should be back within an hour, just finish cleaning up", Liam instructed me and Harry to do so. It wasn't long before they where both off and the lunch bell had rung. "Want to go?", Harry asked pointing out the door and down the hall", immediately I agreed and both Harry and I headed off down the hall in our light blue scrubs. "Where exactly are we going?", I asked. "The staff room, where else", Harry replied with a weird face. When we walked in most of the teachers turned and starred. "You two must be part of our dental department?", the principle asked. "Louis Tomlinson's sur. I'm assistant number 1", I said shaking his hand. "Harry Styles, assistant number 2", he chuckled. "Nice to meet you two then", he said letting us go to have our lunch. "This is nice", I said to Harry after taking a bite from my sandwich. "It's different from the normal offices", he said agreeing to my comment. Lunch soon finished and Niall and Liam where back with all the tools which we set up. It wasn't long before the day was over, tomorrow we start our examinations.

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