Chapter 5-

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Chapter 5-

Louis's pov- After a good 10 minutes of cleaning down the room with numerous chemicals and replacing the tray with new tools I picked up the next folder which had Maddie Tomlinson scribbled along the top. "Your turn Maddie", I said to my sister who was the last person in the waiting room. She stood up and slowly walked towards and pass me, taking a seat in the chair.

Following Liam I snapped on a pair of gloves and pulled a face mask up over my mouth and nose. Liam reclined the chair and adjusted the overhead light as I collected the mirror and explorer for Liam. "Thank you", Liam said as I passed him the two tools. With the two tools hovering above Maddie's lips, Liam slightly tapped them asking her to open wide. All of a sudden she started laughing really loudly before saying "of cause Mr Payne", causing me to roll my eyes at Liam which made him laugh.

"A7 is discoloured, slight over bite. Anyone would think you was Louis twin your teeth are so similar, even the bottom teeth are crooked in the same way", Liam laughed. I playfully slapped his arm, "leave my teeth alone", I defended my own teeth whilst Liam retracted his tools siting them back on the tray. "Okay okay I'm sorry", he defended himself with his hands in the air. "Lets get some X-rays done so I can check out that tooth", Liam said and straight away I got the films ready and done the X-rays on my sisters teeth.

Whilst they where developing Liam started cleaning her teeth. "Suction please", he instructed me. Through out the cleaning Liam rambled on about Maddie should get braces just like his sister. Once Liam was finished cleaning he got me to place to fluoride trays in whilst he went over the X-rays. The timer went off and I removed the fluoride trays. "Looks like that discoloured tooth hasn't yet formed a cavity, so where going to have to keep an eye on it", Liam told both Maddie and I.

"Hear that sis? That means when every you feel any pain or discomfort you tell me as soon as possible", I told Maddie who stared with worried eyes at me. She nodded her head in response whilst Liam I clipped the bib from around her neck, disposing of it along with our gloves. "Am I right to go now?", Maddie asked. "Yep. Oh and don't worry about catching the bus, I'll take you home okay?", I asked her which she nodded her head too.

Thanks so much for being so responsive with the last chapter even though it's been a while. As I promised here is your next chapter I hope you I joyed it pls comment what you think and yes I do have another competition coming up very soon. Could I pretty please with a cherry on top get 40-45 votes. 

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