Chapter 3-

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Chapter 3-

Megs pov- "Why's your brother next to the stage?", I asked turning towards Kelsey who sat there with the same expression as me. "I don't have a clue he never told me anything", she responded, sitting up to here what her older brother was about to say. "Meg? Meg? Meg?", the person on the otherwise of me said poking with each time she talked. "What do you want Maddie?", I asked slightly annoyed. "Why's Lou standing there?", Maddie pointed out to our older brother. Looking down the side of the stage stood Louis, Harry and Niall, we all knew each other due to them working together. It wasn't long before Liam was introduced and took his place on stage to talk. "As part of the department of educations personal health we are made to give each and every enrolled student checkups and any urgent problems to be fixed", Liam said. That one sentence kept replaying over and over, and turning to both Maddie and Kelsey their facial expressions reading shock.

"Why wouldn't Louis tell us this?", Maddie asked. "Why didn't Liam?", asked Kelsey, as the first bell rang and we walked off together to our first class. I could tell something was defiantly up with Kelsey, as she sat in front of me both her foot and pencil tapping away in a nervous beat. There was a soft knock on the door, making everyone including the teacher to turn their head towards the door siting to see who the person was. The teacher walked towards the door pulling the handle, Harry stood their in his blue scrubs holding a clipboard and a pen, "could I please collect the Tomlinson twins Meg and Maddie? And I'll grab Kelsey Payne why I'm here", he said smiling in our direction. We all got up closely following Harry from behind.

It wasn't long before we reached the room which was now a dentist office, where Harry instructed us to take a seat on the waiting chairs. And it wasn't long before my brother came out of the room holding an iPad. "Meg your turn", he said smiling where you followed him back. "So did I surprise you?", Louis asked getting a blue paper bib and clipping it around my neck. "You surprised us all", I blankly said. Liam walked in sitting down on his stool, "meg", he greeted whilst I just rolled my eyes considering he picked Louis, Maddie and I up this morning. Louis handed over some tools to Liam and I opened my mouth knowing the procedure inside and out.

"Your teeth are perfect", Liam said scrapping around and cleaning off little bits of plaque. "Louis do you know if she's ever had braces?", Liam asked Louis. "As far as I know she hasn't", Louis told Liam. "Straight as an arrow and a perfect shade I white is what I can say", Liam said placing his tools back onto the tray And getting the fluoride, tray and placing them i my mouth. Louis started the timer whilst Liam got up getting what looked like X-ray films. Once the timer went off louis removed them and Liam placed the X-ray films inside my mouth. Watching both Louis and Liam glance over the X-rays giving me the all clear. 

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