Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-

I was awaken by my phone ringing and vibrating all over the place, Liam's name was displayed over the screen and slide across to answer.
"Hello?", I asked still half asleep.
"How you going Taylor? Your mouth feeling okay?", Liam asked through the other end.
"Yeah, the pain has finally gone".
"That's great at 11am do you want to come over to mine and I can fix that cavity for you?", i knew the question was coming.
"Yeah okay I'll see you soon", I said hanging up and glancing at the clock which read 10am.
Getting up out of bed I made my way to the bathroom where I got ready as quick as possible and headed down stairs to have breakfast.
"Your up early for a Saturday", Niall smiled from the breakfast bench.
"Yeah I got to head over to Liam's so he can fix my stupid cavity", I said chewing on the fact that it's going to hurt so much.
"Want me to drive?", Niall asked as he brought his bowl over to the sink.
"Nah I'm fine", I said before eating breakfast, brushing my stupid teeth and driving off to Liam's house.

I rang the door bell a couple of times before Liam rushed down the hall.
"Sorry was just getting stuff ready", he smiled as he let me into his home and led me down the long hall.
"Just take a seat", Liam pointed to wards the chair whilst he put on his gloves and mask.
I got to admit how funny it looks to see Liam wearing shorts and a t-shirt whilst wearing gloves and a mask. He clipped a paper bib around my neck and adjusted the overhead light. With a couple of grunts and funny noises the X-rays where on display and Liam was ready to do the procedure.
"I know I said it's just a simple cavity, but the decay only just stops on the top of your nervous. So I'm going to have to do a root canal as a simple filling could leave a little decay behind and continue to eat away into the roots."
Nodding understandably Liam proceeded. "This is just a bite block so you won't have to hold your mouth open the whole procedure", he said as I opened up and he inserted the block between my back teeth on the opposite side.
Liam administered the numbing needle and set up a rubber dam, clamping off and singling out the bad tooth. I watched closely as he set up the drill placing sharp ends inside of it. Placing it inside my mouth he switched it on, the whizzing, vibrations and spaying of water gave me the chills as he got deeper and deeper the vibrations got worst and worst.
After at least 10 minutes of drilling Liam stopped and changed heads on the drill. Placing it back and turning it on he smoothed of the inside of the tooth, making it more accessible.
"Okay, now I'm going to clean the tooth out", he said as he picked up numerous wire brushed and started pocking them inside the tooth, to remove all the nerves and pulp. That continued for 20 minutes until he spayed the tooth out with water and dryer the tooth.
"Usually I don't do a permanent crown to start with as it's uncomfortable, but I'd be lucky to get you back to finish it. So I'm going to permanently seaL and crown today."
Liam filled the tooth with a fowl smelling sealant, curing at each layer before crowning the tooth and filling back the excess sealant.
"Done", he smiled as he u clamped the clamps and took the rubber dam and bite block out.
"I know I already done this but I'll just give your teeth another quick clean and fluoride treatment".
Shaking my head yes I payed back down and let Liam clean all my teeth and fluoride them.
"Thanks Liam", I said hugging him.
"No problem, just remember no eating or drinking for the next hour".
And with that I headed back home to Niall.
"Your alive", Niall sarcastically said once I arrived home.
"Yeah turns out I had to have a root canal", Nialls face scrunched at the word.
"I hate those ones", he sounded disgusted. 

1 year later.
All had been going well for the 4 dentists and there sisters.
The fear still high in the group, as their annual dental checkups came around.
And alls well and ends well at the first school dentist.

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Sorry for the completely shit ending. But I just had to. This is this book done. I've started a new one called stuck, so head over and check out my other books love all of yous xoxox

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