Competition winner

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Competition winner-

Thanks guys for being so patient these last few months I know updating a been slow and I will try and fix that in the future I've just got a lot of shit happening like work holidays hsc exams and in a couple of weeks I will be starting my last year of school, so excited with the classes I got which is drama, art and English, considering I just completed ancient history, legal studies and design and technology (I made a sick as kitchen island from recycled pieces, will have to post a picture). Also why I'm here I've noticed a lot of readers are hating on my spelling (Australian way) and grammar, no I don't spell check and grammar check my writing, sometimes it does fuck up a bit or make no sense, but go with it.

Also if any of my readers have a Facebook, and would like to add me send me a message, because if I can get enough people, I'm going to start a group message between us all where we can all talk and discuss ideas books or just get to know each other. So pls send me a message and we can get that started

Omg a lot of the stories everyone has posted on the previous chapter have got me shitting my self, I can't believe they have put you threw so much pain no wonder they are feared of. Now my turn. When I was about 12 my mum took me to a orthodontist, from that we learnt my jaw was to small and overcrowded instead of pulling teeth and making room I had this device put in the roof of my mouth I put a special pin in and turned it to widen my mouth. It hurt like a bitch and the amount of pressure it would make you feel made me sick. So once I was finished with that I went on to have braces and that went on for 3 years.

After I had braces I went to the dentist for the first time with straight teeth, only to be told that the braces increased risk of cavity's and had caused 2. Of cause the stupid dentist never numbs me up and just went ahead and drilled them out. Once that was finished she said there was a begging of another cavity but if you leave it it could heal its self and let me tell you it has not healed.

And then the other day I was eating a apple and guess what just happened to break off behind my teeth, my permeant retainer the feeling of the glue is absolutely shit and already cut my tongue numerous times. Also I can tell one tooth is already started moving and I can't get hold of the stupid orthodontist, it's fucken ridiculous and i shore am not going through then whole process again.

Naff my ranting its time to announce the winners yes I felt bad so 2 people have a shot of winning now.

And the first winner is- @byrdie13

And the second winner is -@mamasparkles

If that's you could you please send ne a private message with your name, and if you'd like to be a teacher, a school kid, or one of the boys sister/brother (for the guys). Along with any other little details you want to add in.

There will be more competitions coming up through the book. Thank you all

The School DentistHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin