Chapter 7

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Taylor's POV

Waking up to the sound of my alarm made me realise that I'm back home in my own bed. What a great feeling! At least it was until I remembered that I had to go to school for the first time in a while. Liam had explained that the boys were working at my school which made me slightly uncomfortable. I've never been scared of the dentist and I'd I have obviously had regular check-ups with my brother being an orthodontist. I just worried me as I haven't been to the dentist while I was in Australia and a dull ache had formed in one of my back teeth. I didn't tell Niall because I wanted to enjoy my trip. Also, my permanent retainer has seemed to unstuck a bit which means my teeth could be turning crooked again.

When I got to school, I caught up with some of my friends before going to my first class, English.  I walked in noticing I was one of the last to arrive. As soon as I sat down and Mr Greendale had started the roll a knock came from the door. Harry's familiar face stepped in and asked for me and my best friend Olivia to go with him. Olivia is Harry's younger sister

"You're back, Taylor! How was Australia" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

"It was great Haz, I loved it" I replied.

"Oh, its Doctor Styles during school hours, isn't it" Olivia joked to which Harry rolled his eyes.

"No Liv, I'm an assistant" Harry retorted. "Here we are. Liv you're in with Liam and Louis. Tay, you're in with your brother and me". I noticed Olivia's face turn pale but I was quickly being led into the exam room so I didn't get to see if she was ok.

Niall greeted me before asking me to hop in the chair and asking me to open my mouth. Reluctantly, I obeyed as he used a mirror to check around. His face grew into a small frown.

"Harry, come look at this" Niall said. The two boys looked in my mouth with the same expression. I started to feel worried.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Um, Taylor did you notice that your retainer was coming loose?  You are well aware that you should tell me if something isn't feeling right" Niall explained seriously.

I decided to stay silent.

"Well, it seems it happened a few months ago because some of the teeth have started moving again. I have no choice but to put braces back on your bottom teeth today before there's any more movement" my brother explained.

Great. Yet again, I have to get braces.

Thank you very much to @101funny_flowers for taking her time to write me this chapter. I will be finishing off this book and if anyone would like to help at all just give me a message. Also vote pls and go check out the new book stuck and add it to your library, but it won't be out till march April next year :(
Also I've been reading a lot and people have been really using this medical bus idea I came up with in the last book the secret dentist its absoulety amazing.

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