Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4-

Kelsey's pov- I was sitting in the small waiting room, hoping Louis would come out and collect me already. All the colour left in my face was immediately drained after seeing Harry walk out holding a clip board. "Kelsey, your with us first", Harry smiled making me even more nervous as I knew I would be seeing Niall who is the orthodontist. With shaky feet I stood up and followed Harry in behind another door where the tools where set up and Niall sat at the head of the chair waiting patiently.

"Just take a seat", Harry instructed as he gathered a paper bib and clipped it around my neck startling me. "Just going to lean the chair back now", Niall's muffled voice warned me before laying back the chair. "Open big for me?", Niall asked whilst adjusting the overhead light and collecting his mirror and explorer. Hesitantly opening he placed his tools inside my mouth, "bite together, and open back up", Niall instructed as he checked out my teeth. "I tell you what Kelsey, your teeth are moving perfectly, we just have to get this overbite fixed and your right upper canine tooth just needs to move a little more", Niall congratulated me.

Harry's hand reached over my face handing Niall another tool, and Niall started taking off the rubber bands before replacing the wires and replacing the rubber bands with new ones. The process was quick and not as painful as I thought it would be. "Harry could you see if Liam's free?", Niall asked as Harry went out of the room coming back moments later. "Yep he said to go in", Harry said to Niall who let me be free only to go to my brother and have to have my teeth checked again.

Liam's pov- "take a seat", I instructed my little sister as she shakily walked in and took a seat in the chair. Both Louis and I snapped on a pair of gloves before I adjusted the light and brought the tray of tools closer to me. "Open up", I instructed as she opened wide, taking this opportunity I placed my explorer and mirror inside taking a look around, scrapping plaque and bits of left over food off of her teeth.

"Louis, could you get the X-ray films ready for me please". I continued scrapping all the plaque from my sisters teeth before placing the films in her mouth and taking a couple of X-rays. Going back into the room and laying the chair back again I pick up the water pik and started spraying all her teeth with it. Once finished I rolled back over to the computer bringing up the new X-rays and went over them. "No cavity's, gum lines perfect. The only thing I'm worried about is your wisdom teeth are hovering just below your gum line. louis could you check that out with Niall and we can see what can be done then." After taking the bib off and dismissing my sister I went back to clean up the room for the next patient, Maddie.

Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner and for this chapter being a little shitty. But I'm back now and will try my hardest to make the next chapter better. Could I please get 30 votes, when i get the, ill update the next chapter

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