Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-

Taylor's Pov- "this is your captain speaking, we are due to in London in 15 minutes. Thank you."  Thank good, I thought to myself. It's been to long travelling around Australia for 6 months without seeing my brother Niall and his mates. As soon as the plane lands my life's going back to reality along with completing my last year of schooling at Chaplin high. My thoughts where put aside when the large plane bumped along the now flat surface, I'm home. After waiting at least 10 minutes I bordered off the plane, walking down the long stretch of hall and into the wide airport my eyes landed on Niall.

"Omg. I missed you so much." I screamed as I ran towards him and straight into his open eyes. "Taylor. I've missed you too." He said embracing me into that famous Horan hug everyone goes on about. "It's so good to have you home", Niall once again said as I collected my luggage. "It feels so weird. Being in Australia it was really hot and now it's freezing other here. Not to mention that 22hr plane flight", I huffed out.

It was so weird to be home after so long, my room still looked the same, the house did too but something has changed and I'm not sure what just yet. After unpacking my bags I headed down the hall of our apartment where Niall sat at the kitchen counter. "These are for you", Niall said handing over a bunch of old mail. Miss Taylor Horan, bank statements, Miss Taylor Horan, school reports, Miss Taylor Horan phone plans. "It's all junk", I told Niall as ate toast spreader with Vegemite, something I grew very fond of over the months spent in Australia.

Liam's Pov- opening up my phone I sent a quick message to Niall telling him I'd be over soon and jumped in my car, making my way over. Ringing the door bell for the second time the door finally swung open. "Taylor? When did you get back?", I asked Nialls sister. "Today", she half smiled as I followed her into the kitchen where Niall sat. "So how was it?", I asked taking a seat next to Niall and pulling out the office iPad. "It was amazing, Australia is such a go with the flow place everyone's either drunk or chilled out", she laughed. "That's great, so you'd be starting back at school next week then?", I asked and she nodded to my response.

"Well then I'll have to put you in for the first appointment on Monday then." The look of Taylor's face said it all p, she had no idea what I was talking about and when I looked to Niall he sat there in an awkward position. "What do you mean?", she finally asked and I took it apon myself to tell her the truth. Niall, Louis, Harry and I all work at the school in their new dental apartment. And it's our job to look after and perform regular checkups and procedures on the students and teachers." "Oh" is all she managed to say before telling us she was heading to bed.

Hi guys sorry for the long time no update I just haven't had much time. I'm so sorry this book seems so shit, most of my dental books go for 30-40 chapters, personally I see this one getting the tops of 10-15, it's just no going as I want it to :(
Pls comment what you think about the book and give me at least 40 votes.
I already have an idea for the next book which I hope is heaps better. So to finish this one off I'm offering anyone who would like me to finish this book to send me a message or comment and I'll send you a message thank you.

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