Chapter 9-

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Chapter 9-

"How are you liv?", Louis asked as I walked into the examination room.
"A little nervous, your self Lou?".
"No reason you should be nervous it's just us. And days a little slow but good", Louis replied as he clipped the bib around my neck and we waited for Liam.
"Livy", Liam said sounding like a girl and scaring the shit out of me.
"Don't do that", I said fake punching his arm.
"Remember I'm the one with the sharp tools here", Liam joked.
It wasn't long until the chair was reclined and Liam's explorer and mirror where stuck inside my mouth scraping and picking at the plaque stuck on my teeth.
"I'm going to have to have a talk to Harry", Liam said whilst he continued to pick the plaque.
"Phone often do you brush and floss?", Liam asked removing the tools and handing me a cup of water to rinse and spit.
"Twice a day", I lied.
"Now tell me the truth", Liam said as he placed back his explorer and picked up another sharp long tool.
Louis was trying his hardest not to laugh as he watched the drama unfold in front of him.
"Fine. I floss when I feel like it and sometimes brush once a day", I said laying back down in the chair and waiting for Liam to go off at me.
"Well your teeth ain't look all that good, I'm going to have to do a scaling".
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Louis cringe. Opening my mouth Liam started sticking the sharp tool in my gum sockets under my teeth and moving it around. Whimpering I closed my eyes and took in the pain.
"3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3", Liam called out various numbers whilst Louis re ordered them.
The familiar taste of tangy iron stuck to my tongue when Liam was finished.
"Just a cleaning and some X-rays".
The X-rays where done first and then the cleaning. "Suction please Louis", Liam said as he picked up the water pick and started cleaning off my teeth. Before brushing them  and doing a fluoride treatment. 
"Like I said you need to look after your teeth better, there's numerous signs of early decay which we can't do anything about because there's nothing there at the moment. So we will have to keep an eye on that as the months go by. Other then that alls fine and well."
With that I was free and glad. My gums hurt like a bitch and I didn't want to get stuck being here any longer.

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