chapter 2-

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Chapter 2-

Niall's pov- "Harry it's time to get ready for school", I laughed at the fact that we are going back to school. "Shut up Niall", Harry yelled back as he stormed into the bathroom. It wasn't long before he came back out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen dressed in his blue scrubs. "Ready?", I asked him as he grabbed his bag and we headed off to the school. "Hey Megan", I greeted the office lady whilst walking in and signing the book before Harry. "Hey Niall, Harry", she waved. Heading down to the room, Louis and Liam sat at the desk writing down on sheets of paper. "What are youse doing?", Harry asked confused just like me. "Writing our speech", Liam simply replied not even bothering to look up. "Speech?", I questioned starting to get worried. "I have to introduce our selves on assembly today", Liam said putting down his pen. The bell rang Harry and I turned our heads to face each other, both with worried expressions. "Come on then", Liam said walking out the door closely followed by Louis.

Liam's pov- We where instructed to stand at the side of the stage and it wasn't to now I had realised how many teenager where here. "Now we have 4 guest speakers", the man who stood at the microphone pointed to us. We allow asked over and I decided to speak first. "Thank you. Hi everyone I'm Dr Payne, I'm the head dentist in the schools new dental department. This here is Dr Horan, he is the head orthodontist and also a dentist in the schools new dental department. And this is Harry and Louis, they are our assistants. Our offices are officially opened today and as part of the department of educations personal health we are made to give each and every enrolled student checkups and any urgent problems." Thanking everyone I walked off the stage, closely followed by the rest of the boys.

"Okay so we are going to start with the youngest year group and make our way up", I told the boys as I scrolled through the computers enrolled students. Marking our name tags and notes to which Louis and Harry would go and collect. It took a while but we finally got through the first year and now both Louis and Harry where off to collect two students at a time.

(Short chapter I know and I am terribly sorry about that. But I had to cut it off because I am having one of those competitions. 1 lucky readers will have the chance of becoming main characters in this story, all you have to do is vote which I will be checking and comment your worst dental procedure or moment you have experienced along with if you have or ever had braces, as this will also be put into the book. 30+ votes for the next chapter.)

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