Chapter 8-

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Chapter 8-

Taylor's pov- I watched Harry as he walked around the room, collecting various wrapped tools and box sets. How could I be so stupid and think I would get away with this, for gods sake Niall's an orthodontist. The tray clanked back onto the holder scaring the living day lights out of me.
"Sorry", Harry smiled apologetically, which I smiled back at.
"So I'll just put the clear braces back on your bottom then", Niall said as he picked up a bite block.
"Open", do so I opened following the bite block was the horrid cheek retractor which always split my lips. But this time Harry pulled out a small container and wiped a clear gloss across both my lips. I tried my hardest to thank Harry but it sort of came out as a "tenks cazz."
"Comfortable?", Niall asked, where I simply rolled my eyes. "She's back".
Throughout the process of Niall placing the brackets on my teeth, he would call out random numbers which Harry would then pass him the brackets. Along with this came the horrible tugging of the metal explorer becoming stuck to the glue on my teeth. It wasn't long before the brackets where set and Harry was cutting the clear wire for Niall to freed through each bracket and singles placing each elastic band over the bracket and wire.
"And we are done", Niall smiled towards Harry as they both pearled into my mouth a serving the work they both had completed. Shortly after he removed the bite block and mouth prop.
"That should get your teeth back to normal in no time",  Harry said as he removed the bib from around my neck.

"Hey guys, are youse finished with Taylor?", Louis asked as he walked through the door.
"Yep, your free to go and have your check up", Niall said showing me off as I followed closely behind Louis to the next room.
Inside sat Liam with a tray full of packaged tools and a bib in his hand.
"Take a seat for me?", Liam instructed and clipped the bib around my neck.
With the seat all ready reclined Louis took his seat on the opposite side of the chair and Liam adjusted the light over head.
The familiar clinking of the tool rang in my ear as Liam gathered the mirror and explorer as they hovered over the top of my mouth. I opened up getting a small thank you from Liam and a small smile from Louis.
"Looks like your mouths all ready sore enough. I'll try and get this done as quick as possible." Liam acknowledged the fact that my brother had just glued in bottom braces, yet again.
Liam finished the cleaning but I was pushed back into the chair by Louis, "we still have to do X-rays, just in case we missed anything". Nodding I sat back again letting Liam set us the X-rays.
Liam came back in and opened up the X-rays straight away, "hhmm. Taylor could you open up once more?", he asked as he picked up the explorer and mirror again.
Quick glances where exchanged between my mouth and the X-ray on the iPad. "Tell me if this hurts", Liam said just before the excruciating pain came from my back top molar, as Liam's explore pushed into the surface of my tooth and getting stuck.
"Yep that's a bad one", Liam gave me a sad expression. "Does it hurt much? If you want Niall could bring you by my house tomorrow when your teeth feel a bit better and I could fix it then?".
"I would have done anything to get out of having a cavity filled today", I smiled excepting Liam's offer.

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