Chapter 3 ^_^

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Chapter 3

Rayne's POV

"Rayne get up! I don't want you late on your first day of school." I heard mums stern voice say. I groaned digging my face deeper into the pillow but realised it was Simba.

"Simba protect me from mom." I muffled through his fur. He huffed and closed his eyes. Lazy liger.

"Rayne come on, you don't want Alex to eat all the waffles do you?" She said absentmindedly knowing that what she said would affect me. I groaned and pushed myself up.

I quickly got ready for school leaving my hair in its natural long waves. I rushed downstairs to see dad talking to the guards as I walked passed them heading straight to the counter filled with food. Just as I sat down Alex got up.

"No we have to go school now or we'll be late." He says grabbing his keys.

"But-" Just as I was cut off a plate of waffles with syrup was held in front of my face.

"This is yours you can eat in the car now lets go." Alex says pulling me out of the chair and pushing me towards the front door where Rylee and the guards were waiting.
Dad cleared his throat grabbing our attention.

"Alright Rayne behave please try to stay calm and collected as we don't want something to trigger your powers."

"Dad if you love me then you would let me stay home." I pleaded trying my hardest to give him adorable puppy eyes.

"Uh uh you are going missy." He said sternly. I huffed and followed the others out to see other pack members leaving too. Today is going to be a long day.

After 15 minutes of driving we arrived at Rosewell high school. We got out as some other people stared at me shocked.

"Guys I'm going to get my schedule see yous later." I waved at them following the signs heading straight to the main office. I walked in to see a cozy area where the receptionist was. She saw me and gave me a warm smile.

"You must be Rayne, here is your schedule most of them are with your sister. I hope you enjoy your time here."

I smiled back and headed out following a pathway while checking my schedule. Okay I have.....


Sports Science

Free period




So far so good.

"Hey Rylee! Damn I'm loving the bad ass look! Did you get highlights?" He says checking me out shamelessly. "So I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" He asks with hopeful eyes. To be fair he was good looking but I'm not looking for a relationship.

"No." I say simply and turn to walk the opposite way only to be grabbed by the arm and face him again. I punched him square on the face for even thinking of touching me.

"Don't ever touch me again." I whispered lowly. Students around us stared and whispered to each other.

"Woah damn Rylee you finally got the balls to punch him!" A random guy says looking pleased.

"Rayne! No remember what dad said you can't cause fights even if you didnt start it." Rylee says checking if I'm okay.

"Omg theres two of yous! Holy shit Rylee! You didn't tell us you have a twin sister!" The random guy exclaimed glancing between us.

She pretended to think, "I didn't? Wow that's weird."
Alex rolls his eyes and guides me away from them. "We'll see you at lunch!" Alex called out behind him. I just want to go home and cuddle with Simba while eating Malteasers. As soon as form class was over Alex was leading me to English class and I couldn't help but breathe in a scent that got my wolfs attention. But as soon as I grasped it, it was gone.

"Here's your class, Rylee's there." I nodded and walked in as other students watched my every move.

"Hey can you guys not stare like idiots. Shes my twin so what?" Rylee warned with her Alpha voice as they quickly focused on something else.

Soon enough lunch rolled up and everyone was walking towards the cafeteria. Of course people we walked passed stared as I smirked at girls who gave me jealous looks. Me and Rylee were oozing confidence which made a path for us automatically and soon we were standing in the cafeteria as everyone went quiet and whispered to each other.

"Wow sis, you must love the attention." I said boredly. She smirked at me. "It's not like I asked for it, I just naturally turn heads. Come on theres our table." She looped her arm with mine and lead me to a table that was surrounded by guards from our pack who were our age. My pack was more skilled as other packs but I wouldn't admit that to other packs.

"Guys this is my sister Rayne, Rayne this is my mate Chase, his beta Liam and Liam's mate Liana. Um the other twins missing. He'll be here soon." Rylee says as she leaned into her mate.

"I wonder who Chance's new conquest is, seriously I can't wait till he finds someone to hold him down." Matt chuckles.

I was just staring at Chase, I felt some sort of connection to him but I couldn't quite put my finger on what was attracting me to him. Just as I was about to ask him who his twin was the door opens to the most drool worthy guy I've ever seen even though he looked exactly like Chase but then he looks totally different in his own way. He looked me in the eye and slowly scanned me with a smirk. And then I saw long red claws rubbing his arm and there was a girl with tight jeans and a low v-neck top shamelessly showing off her cleavage.

I looked away from them as they neared the table and sat down.

"Chance this is my sister Rayne, Rayne this is Chance." I nodded not really acknowledging his presence. It then turned into awkward silence.

Alex cleared his throat. "Hello Lisa I see you and Chance are um together."

"Not for long." I mumbled but since everyone at the table had werewolf hearing they heard me loud and clear.

The girl sitting next to Chance glared at me. "Excuse me?"

I rolled my eyes at her "He's not yours and he will never be. So I suggest you leave." I say using my Alpha voice. She gulped and quickly left our table.

"I love a girl in control." Chance says smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, "If I see you with another girl I will personally Rip you to pieces and put you back together."

"Same goes for you but instead I'll rip the guy in pieces."

"Glad we're on the same page."

"Awwww you guys are mates! I knew it!" Rylee squeals happily.

"Will you guys excuse us I need to talk to my mate." Chance says standing up and grabbing my hand leading us away from everyone. We kept walking untill he pulled me behind a building and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me roughly as he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. Looks like we're skipping the rest of school.



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