Chapter 9 ^_^

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~AN: Any ideas for our twin characters? who do you picture them as?


Rayne's POV

Landing back in Canada where my old pack was felt weird, the air felt different, something was wrong. I told the pilot to be ready when I come back and to contact my father and tell him what's going on as I shifted and ran into the woods. My uncles pack the Moon runners was 7 miles away, I should be there in 5 hours. I ran without breaks until I was 100 feet away from the boarders and shifted back behind the big oak tree where I use to hide clothes when I was going to shift. I grabbed the bag of clothes and quickly put them on.

I took a deep breath and used my powers to see through the woods and saw guards on patrol. They were different guards and had a bitter scent. Vampires have taken over the land. I focused on the bond that I have with my family and found the link with my little brother which meant he was still alive.

I hid my scent and climbed the tree jumping to the next one until I was close enough to smell blood. Faith perked up at the smell as I got closer to the pack grounds making sure I didn't stand on any leaves or branches to give away my position. The lights were on in the main pack house that had 3 vampires. I listened for any heart beats and found 2 within the pack area which were also coming from the pack house. I sneaked around to the side of the house and found dead bodies, among those bodies I spotted my 6-year-old cousin with a blank stare as all the life in her was gone.

I turned away and looked up to see an opened window on the second floor and jumped up quickly climbing into the room. One heart beat was on the first floor with the vampires and the other was on the third floor. The pack house was trashed and had blood on the walls with ripped furniture laying around. I silently made my way up the stairs and heard two men outside the door of where the heartbeat was coming from as they were guarding that room. I sniffed the air once again to make sure there was no other vampires lurking around and made my way upstairs to see the two guys. Before they could spot me I used my wolf speed and grabbed them both by the necks and with one swift movement I snapped their necks then put them on the floor gently then entered the room and shutting the door behind me. Sitting in corner of the room playing with his superman toy was my brother, I quickly made my way to him.

"Hey buddy." I whispered and pulled him into a hug as I felt his arms wrap around me.

"I missed you Ray, where's mom and dad? Are they here too?" he asked excitedly.

"Shh they aren't here but I'm taking you back to them okay? But I need you to stay quiet, remember that ninja game we use to play when we played hide and seek?" I asked as I held close to me and moved towards the window. He nodded as I opened the window and I lifted him onto my back.

"Okay remember we're ninjas so you have to be quiet and don't make a sound no matter what you see or hear. If I tell you to run, I want you to run in that direction as fast as you can and don't stop and most importantly don't look back." I whisper to him and felt him nod. I looked out into the woods using my vision pulse to make sure there was no one in the direction we were going to take. I then jumped out the window with Daniel holding onto me tightly and landed silently on the ground. I quickly made my way to the woods and ran as fast as I could towards the airport landing zone carrying Daniel with a secure grip. Just as I smelt the private jets engines we heard yells heading our way, there were going to find us catching my brothers scent so I stopped and put him down.

"I need you to run that way and our pilot will be waiting for you." I say leading him away from me.

"What about you Ray, will you be there?" he asked looking at me with those innocent eyes.

"I'll be right behind you okay? Don't stop until you get there, don't worry about me."

He ran off as I quickly contacted the pilot. "Brian get the jet ready, Daniel is heading your way. As soon as he's on the plane I want you to take him and go. I need to find out what's going on around here." I say facing the direction of vampires who I could hear running with heavy footsteps.

"Yes Alpha."

"Rayne shift they're here." Faith said.

"No they kept Daniel alive for a reason hopefully they don't know who we are."

"Where is the child?" Four vampires came out from behind the trees with their fangs out and red eyes. One of them step forward showing that he had more authority then the other guys.

"If you weren't a dog I would suggest we have some fun with you, but your stench is suffocating me." One of the vampires spoke.

"Why that blood sucking pale ass dick!" Faith growled.

"Where is the child!"

"Tell me who you work for or I will kill you." I spoke out ignoring their insults.

"Oh we have a tough one here guys, the boss wants her dead so do it quick and meet back at the pack grounds." The leader of the vampires turned and ran back as the other three circled around me.

"Stand back boys I got this one." He says with a cocky tone. He instantly reaches to grab my neck but I hit his hand away and grabbed his neck snapping it with the flick of my wrist. I dropped his body as the other two quickly move towards me hissing.

"Tell me who you work for." I repeat eyeing them closely.

"Where is the boy!" he came at me and started throwing punches as I dodged and countered his attacks. Then with one quick movement I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him into the tree hearing his spine crack. I turned to face the last guy as he backed away.

"Any last words?" He smirked evilly and pulled out a gun, I could smell the wolfs bane in the bullets. "Say goodbye pup."

I then heard the bang and felt slight pain spread throughout my chest.


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