Not Before Dinner

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Brendon walked into his house. Immediately smelling Dallon's home cooking. Dallon was the best cook he'd ever met. Brendon was only good with baking. It's part of the reason why their relationship worked so well. Dallon cooked the meals. And Brendon baked the desserts. He shut the door gently behind him.

"Honey, I'm home!"

Dallon came waltzing out of the kitchen wearing his favorite cooking apron. He rushed to Brendon and pulled him into a hug.

"I love it when you come home smelling like the bakery."

"I always come home smelling like the bakery." Brendon laughed.

"You're right." He pulled away from the hug to kiss him. "I guess I just love it when you come home."

"What's for dinner?"

"Lasagna." He answered proudly. "It's in the oven now." He lifted the top part of the apron over his head and then untied the back. Slipping it off and folding it over his arm. He grabbed Brendon's hand to pull him into the sitting room. They snuggled into the couch together. "How was work?"

"It was good. Sarah made too many cookies again. Trying to impress me."

"I'm telling you, hun. That girl has a crush on you."

"And I keep telling you, she's barking up the wrong three."

Dallon laughed. "Just remember to let her down gently. Your first heartbreak is always the worse."

"I don't think she'll be too heart broken. She found a new interest today."

"Did she?"

"Yeah. Some new customer came in today. Ordered eight cookies and took an hour to eat them."

"That's weird."

"Tell me about it. Well, he and Sarah kind of hit it off."

"That's nice. I hope he was younger. That girl needs to focus on somebody her own age."

"Hey, twenty six isn't that far away from nineteen."

"Far enough." Dallon pursed his lips.

"Wait a second." Brendon used his finger to turn Dallon's chin towards him. "Is someone jealous?"

"No." He turned his head away.

"Yes you are. You're jealous!"


"My poor baby is jealous." Brendon reached over to tickle Dallon's side. His husband began laughing immediately.

"Stop it, Bren."

"You're too pretty to be jealous." He continued to tickle him.

"S-Stop!" He squealed. Burying himself deeper into the couch. "Bren! Y-You're the pretty one."

"No, you."

"No, you!" He slapped his hands away. His chest lifting up and down quickly.
"Uh uh." Brendon leaned over so that he was hovering above him. "You are definitely the pretty one."

He pressed his lips down on Dallon's softly. Making his husband sigh into his mouth. Pulling Brendon down into the couch with him. He titled his head back, deepening the kiss. Brendon snaked his hands around his waist. Tugging at his sweatpants.

"Hey, hey!" Dallon pushed him away gently. He slid from under Brendon's warm body. "You know we don't do that before dinner."

"Right." He ran his hands through his hair before dragging it down to cover his face. "Right."

"I'm going to get started on cutting the salad up." He kissed Brendon on the nose before standing up. Grabbing his apron with him.

Brendon waited until he was out of the room to groan and fall back on the couch dramatically.

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